Friday, October 2, 2009

Kerastase Help Hair Growth

Yes Technology Competition Technology organizes the contest Yes for adolescents between 13 and 18. The same is intended that the kids have other teens how use technology responsibly and avoid situations that put them at risk.

The city legislature of Buenos Aires has declared social and educational interest the contest "Technology Yes, connect with responsibility" (DECLARATION 319-2009)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Can I Hire A Boat For My Wedding In Rhodes

Course for NGOs and other free programs that work with children and adolescents in Latin America

For a safe and responsible use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICTs). Construction
strategies that promote the rights of children and adolescents.

REGISTRATION OPEN from 1 June to 16 June 2009

Intended : Executives of NGOs working with Children and Youth, program managers, directors, area coordinators and program assistants, facilitators, workshop, staff of state agencies related to Children, Education, Youth .

START DATE: Tuesday June 16, 2009.
DURATION: June 16 to July 24, 2009

The course is free.
Previous registration required. Limited vacancies in order of registration. Registration
Inquiries by phone: (054 11) 4786-9128 or

Organizers: Association. Safer Internet Programme, responsible for interaction with ICT ( / internetsegura )

Supported by: ECPAT International (
www. )

--------------------------------------- ---------------------------

The reason for this course

training This proposal seeks to contribute to social organizations, areas of government and other issues related to children and youth acquire knowledge and enhance work on projects related to the right of children and adolescents to a safe and responsible use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICTs).

organizations involved in protecting and promoting children's rights are everyday references on the phenomena of violence to which children and adolescents are exposed through Site and other technologies and how their rights are violated: the invasion of privacy, harassment by adults (grooming), bullying peer (cyberbullying), the use of children in pornography, child sexual exploitation (ESI) and all forms of sexual violence for which the Internet has become a new stage in which the aberrant production of materials linked to ESI and their distribution is a growing phenomenon.

believe that the way to work the concept of Responsible Use of ICT from the organizations is to install capacity in the same building to promote the work strategies to help children girls and adolescents to develop criteria for navigation and interaction online, from a respectful and caring of one's own mental and physical integrity of others.

The Safer Internet Programme, for the responsible use of ICT , which carries out supported by SCS and ECPAT since 2006, has developed several actions over this time aimed at preventing these problems and strengthen the capacities of children and youth, their teachers and family and social references needed to address these scourges, while the benefits that entails the introduction of ICTs in society.

will be taken account of regional initiatives, especially those belonging to organizations that make up the Red the right of children and adolescents to a safe and responsible use of information technologies and communication.

In this way, we define the proposal online training that will enable organizations and other participants understand the scope of the issue and encourage them to get involved in projects aiming to Prevention of Sexual Violence against Children and adolescents through ICT .


Provide means of understanding the social organizations and people in charge of actions for children and adolescents at the state level about the implications of responsible use of ICTs and violence in cyberspace from a rights perspective.
• Reflect on the impact of different social referents in the formation of responsible users of ICT.
• Promote capacity for analysis and to create strategies for preventing violence in the interactions over the Internet, cell phones and other devices.
• Encourage building working strategies for the prevention and responsible use of ICT.
• Promote networking and collaboration among organizations to address this issue.

Contents and Schedule

week preliminary : Knowing the virtual work environment

Recognition of virtual working environment. Presentation of the students on campus. Recognition of the working group. Solving technical problems related to the use of the platform. Understanding the dynamics of the course.

• Week 1: What do children, girls and adolescents when using ICT?

Considerations different Web 2.0 applications used by children and adolescents. Characteristics of environments. Special use and links. The concept of "prosumer." Differences that make use of ICT for adults. Generation gap.

• Week 2: Perceptions and risks.

Situations of risk and vulnerability in cyberspace. Risk perception of all stakeholders in relation to ICT use. Use patterns that encourage risk. Contexts (home, school, cyber). Harassment and sexual exploitation through ICTs. Trends among children and young people (cyber-bullying or cyberbullying) exposure exacerbated; purposes of anonymity, digital communities. New paradigms: the intimate, private, public.

• Week 3: for responsible use of ICT.

Considerations responsible use of ICT. Role of different stakeholders: parents and families, teachers and schools, social organizations, the state as guarantor of the protection of children rights. What is the adult-and how to avoid? Participation of children and adolescents in developing ICT-related projects.

• Week 4: prevention strategies.

Inclusion of children and adolescents in developing their own prevention strategies. Prevention strategies in education and comuntario. Experiences in Latin America and the world. Building strategies to develop projects from organizations.

• Week 5: Gallery

proposed publication and return of the students final works.

mode of completed

The course will take place in an online environment for six weeks. This means that we will use a training platform to present the content, activities, materials and tasks.
The focus of the course is given by the contents and related resources, and support the interaction between the tutor and participants. The tutor will work instances in which the students can recognize, sort out the difficulties that may be present and ensure that materials to which access can be used without problems.
virtual instances will work through the platform for interaction tutor / participant and among all participants, communication for collaborative work, case analysis and discussion, presentation and monitoring of activities.
Participation in the course and communication with their tutor group is basically asynchronous. This implies that there is no specific hours provided for access to online learning environment. However, to achieve the purposes and the decision of tasks in a collaborative way, it has established a weekly working schedule. So, every Monday held the opening of new content and working instructions, and the closure of each of the tasks that the students performed the previous week.
Obviously, for this strategy is feasible and yields results, it is essential that participants have adequate connectivity and access to Internet services each week to advance the process.
is proposed for training a constructivist philosophy, which lets you build the concepts and learning activities among all participants. It will use real background tasks that allow transfer and apply the concepts and situations that have arisen in different organizations around the safe use of Internet, new learning to achieve.

Teaching Strategies

- Navigation Guided
- Participation and exchange
Forum Debates - Analysis of problems and scenarios
- Collaborative Production conclusions / action lines
- Text analysis and quality audiovisual resources on the subject.
- Project Design

Conditions completed
- access to a computer with broadband connectivity
- systematic access to an e-mail itself as a means of communication with the tutor.
- Reading and analysis of the materials offered and bibliographic.
- Participation in discussion forums.
- Publication of the final.

Certification will be issued certificates of approval granted by the course organizers to those trainees who:
· have maintained communication via email with your tutor.
· have participated in the discussion forum that develops during the course (at least one intervention per week)
· have approved the final paper.

reports and inquiries
Gisela Grunin mail:

Phone: (54 11) 4786-9128

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Male Full Frontal & Blog & Hotfile

Internet safe for children

Source: Page 12, April 1, 2009 *

Two approaches to Internet. One on the work of journalists, access to sources of information and safeguards to be taken in this regard. Another of the dangers that the Web holds for children and measures to prevent them. Both speak of openings and possibilities. Also new questions, challenges and risks.

In most countries of Latin America and the Caribbean there is no legislation or regulations or public policies to address successfully the problems derived from commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents-CSEC by its acronym-stimulated by the explosion of so-called Web 2.0 and its "social networking" . This absence makes our small populations vulnerable to these crimes and many of our countries, potential havens for the implementation of CSEC, with the persecution that they have in some regions like the U.S. and Europe.

The adoption in 2008 of laws against these crimes Brazil and Argentina ( / 141790/norma.htm ) should encourage other nations to take similar measures to bridle this violation of privacy rights and privacy and to promote a safe Internet. These laws are on par with global trends which criminalizes not only ownership but also the production of pornography.

In Venezuela, although there are no specific laws regarding this crime, there are legal instruments in a timely manner to protect children and adolescents such as the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( ), the Organic Law for the protection of the child and adolescent-Lopna-( ), the Special Law against crime ( .) and the Law for the protection of children and adolescents in rooms Internet, video games other multimedia (ht tp: / / ).

According to Susan Finquelevich, a report by the News Agency Network for Children's Rights (ANDI) in Latin America "estimated that each year one million children are inducted into the sex trade, including child pornography, exploitation commercial sexual activities. " also adds that most researchers agree qualify as " contributing factors" of this crime to the following: exclusion and poverty, unequal distribution of wealth, family disintegration, lack of education , cultural patterns that foster domination of one gender over another, discrimination, consumerism, drug trafficking, harmful traditional practices, child trafficking, migration from rural to urban areas and irresponsible sexual behavior of adults.

An initiative in favor of this cause is Latin American Network for the rights of children and adolescents to the safe use of ICT in which they participate: Costa Rica (http
: / / / ), Colombia ( ), Argentina ( / ), Uruguay ( ), Chile ( ), Paraguay ( ), Peru ( ) and Venezuela (http : / / ).

To contribute to this cause, was established February 10 as the Day secure global Internet . For 2009 the theme chosen was cyberbullying, a form of violence suffered by children and adolescents consisting of harassment and intimidation over the Internet, cell phones and video games. Since then, 56 organizations in the world carry out activities to raise public awareness on the responsible use of ICT . Urge

then develop in Latin America and the Caribbean laws, policies and initiatives that aim to combat this crime integrationist vision of the subject, enhancing the implementation of corrective and preventive tools in the region through organizations such as Mercosur, ALBA, the Rio Group and Unasur, among others, which involved the public and private sector in the interests of Internet safe and healthy for our children and adolescents.

Finally, the fight against CSEC should involve first to family. Similarly, school and media are called to help in this fight, because Internet " is a valuable tool that provides great benefits and opportunities but, however, holds great danger for children, it is a place where all doors are open ", as White points out Fernandez in the website of the Association of Internet Users in Spain ( ) portal supporting this campaign in the Hispanic world.

* For Morelis Gonzalo - Venezuelan economist and journalist, teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zulia.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gonorrhea In Women Imagenes

Elena Betés, CEO of Comparator 'on line' Car just launched

Elena Betés has been appointed Director General of , the comparator car insurance ( comparator Assegurances cotxe ) ADMIRAL the UK group has recently launched the English market. In his new position will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of the portal.

Elena is master at IESE and began his career at Arthur Andersen. Later he was director of . Before joining, was CEO of FIRSTEUROPA in Germany.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Viking Ship Birthday Cake

do we mean when we say" Responsible use of ICT by children and adolescents "What

Andrea Urbas
Marcela Czarny
few years ago and before the advance of Internet-not only as a great source of information but as the window to publish everything about us from blogs and virtual communities, "also the troubles arise from the interaction, aggression, the consequences of anonymity, content theft The use of published information for other purposes that were intended by the user, the lack of privacy, etc, etc. This fact led to the concern by entities related to education and the preservation of the rights of children, to review and think about strategies that would lead to protect children and educate them to understand virtual relationships . In this framework, globally speaking of "Safer Internet" in Castilian translate it as "Internet Safe".

In a first approach to the problem, this name seemed appropriate to frame. But, having made a trip with children and teachers in this area, we believe that this name enables us to be sufficiently covered to include in it all the variables at play.

Years ago, the concern to begin work focused primarily on the dangers from the "outside" (especially the emphasis was on criminals who used the web as a means of access to children, including pedophiles, trafficking networks, etc.). In that instance, the proposed work to children and young people was about how to create strategies for them and they learn to guard against these dangers. In this sense, developed recommended guidelines for interaction and created game modes and reflection that can address the issue in the classroom.

While that looks so worked is extremely important today, and we believe that should not be overlooked, is essential expand the meaning of a "Safer Internet" the concept of "Responsible Use of ICT" . We understand that this new definition sum, for several reasons:

1. includes the use of other technologies, not just Internet (cell phones, digital cameras, etc)
In this regard, and the possibilities and applications that allow web 2.0 through a computer, not we can ignore the impact of cell phone use in children and young people. It also covers the technologies that make the production of videos, photographs, which are then shared throughout the web.

2. Incorporates the fact that the aggression does not only come from "outside" of strangers but the same children and youth, in many cases, are the aggressors.
The phenomena related to anonymity, the bullying as a form of interaction, respect for the image not the other, are common currency among the young. It is known that the consequences of these attacks can lead to extreme situations for the victim, given the pervasiveness of technology in the private life and the effect they are invasive. And these aggressive interactions, most of the time, was among the same classmates. Therefore
is an issue that also falls to the school, even when these situations manifest only in virtual-yet we know that generally it is not, but the virtual is a more where are enhanced forms of aggression also occur face to face "-
are many cases in which the school believes these issues are beyond their purview as they are things that happen "outside their walls." We can not ignore these situations if we believe that responsible adults have a role in training on these issues.

3. Incorporates concepts of ethics, living, privacy, pampering themselves and the other, respect for interaction "careful" in virtual environments in the same way that it works on the same axes to facilitate the interaction face to face. "
learning patterns and coexistence of ethics governing the links between people. These guidelines should not be different for links established through the virtual, but this "world" should be within the social legislation of mutual respect, tolerance, safeguarding privacy, confidentiality, etc. etc.
Just as in real life, "the kid has to learn gradually to come into relationship with the other, to collaborate, to recognize him as his fellow man but also as a separate being" and Meirieu introduced [1] learning the concept of otherness, which is also necessary to include when interacting with other using technology.

4. Includes the dimension and the intrinsic laws of each medium.

is necessary that children and young people understand that virtual interactions have consequences in real life. Helping children to seize the temporal and spatial dimensions that make the web an infinite space and intangible, to understand that what passes issued from the private to the public, there is a notion that children and young people, close to the immediacy and immediately understand the satisfaction per se.
According to Burbules, "They know -should know-that is public information, other people can see it, but I do not always realize the consequences or implications in the medium or long term purchase publish this information online " . [2]

5. Promotes the understanding that the media should be used appropriately, depending on the environment and the situation in which the user has.
A responsible use of technology should also promote reflection on the ways in which we use the "artifacts" in technology that are with us every moment of our lives. Diego Levis
introduced in this way, for example, cell phone use " is undeniable that cell phone use facilitates many aspects of everyday life. There are many cases where this is so. At other times, however, their indiscriminate use can cause discomfort or even dangerous situations. It is common to find people using the mobile device as a means of trying to reaffirm their bonds of belonging and thus reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness that paradoxically feels the inhabitants of large cities
... "... It's the same the place and time, if the phone rings we hasten to assist you indifferent to the situation where we are and the people we are. No matter if you're driving a car, a bus or a truck, if you're in the cinema or theater, in a plane about to take off, in a working meeting, eating with friends, or with a loved one, the call can not wait, as if it depended on something fundamental to our lives. It seems that we are not aware of the risks we face from an accident, damage a business, wear a loving relationship or simply disrespect and annoy our neighbors " [3]

6. Promotes the formation of criteria for a beneficial use of technology.
When we refer to children and adolescents need to be a criterion in relation to their use of ICT, we talked of training people capable of critical information circulating on the Internet, they can discern, who are trained to choose, to know the value of things. This is a cross transmission to other issues and plays, of course, linkages mediated by technology.

Then it's time to define the place of the adult in this field. It is true that they - the kids and the young, who are one step ahead of adults in the speed and logic with using some of the programs and technological devices, but this does not mean that adults can not find your place in this relationship.

The place reserved for adults - parents, teachers, concerning health, has to do with being able to build common frameworks for students to understand the scope of mediated communication technologies, to frame the virtual relations in the rules of conduct and ethics, promote meaningful interactions for learning, and encourage socialization, collaboration and community building .

need to get closer to the guys on this topic, be off-site adult , and change the look, get into the applications that give young boys and technologies, to understand the logic of use-very different than adults do the same applications, the needs they can meet the models that follow, the ways they relate with others, group membership (or non-membership), the meaning of what they communicate. This is the challenge of teaching include, without having to be a technology expert, " go beyond the technical skills to approach the meaning of the terms link ... and can work from there.

Because it is from this place that can promote the formation of young critics, conscious of what is right and what is wrong, what is tolerance, respect, the notion of privacy, to also trade mediated by technology are framed in these apprenticeships.

That's the best way we can, from the adult role, build with them so they can move virtuality "Secure" and above all "responsible" . It is the most effective way to take to protect themselves, have the tools and criteria make people respectable and respectful of others.

Buenos Aires, June 2008.

[1] Philippe Meirieu "The significance of education in a world without references." Conference June 27, 2006 for teacher training institutes. ME
[2] Nicholas Burbules "To think about education in the future, constraints of today are technological obstacles, but obstacles to the imagination." EducaRed dialogue.
[3] Diego Levis "Living in the cell: the compulsion to be always connected." Published in Clarín, October 2007.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Power Ranger Images Clipart is the experience in promoting responsible use of ICT? working for the rights of children and adolescents. Some of the rights that most promotes the institution are as follows: The right to information and quality content, the possibility of expression and participation in issues that affect them and have the protection needed for health growth.
One of the programs developed for five years is "A responsible interaction with the Information Technology and Communication" . Through the actions that constitute it, the program seeks contribute to the prevention of violence , commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and sexual abuse fostered by new technologies. To this end, operates through actions that promote awareness of these problems by social actors (children and adolescents, teachers, parents, etc..) In order to sensitize, educate and prevent violence through ICT and to promote the responsible use of ICT. On the other hand, one of the most common problems regarding the use of ICT by users, particularly adolescents, is the so-called cyberbullying, which refers to possible attacks by other peers.
What activities undertaken by the program "Responsible Use of ICT?
  • advice and training to educational authorities. We understand that the opportunities for reflection on the responsible use of ICT are needed to meet the issue on the education agenda, and is addressed in a comprehensive manner from the field school.
  • virtual courses for teachers and NGOs. believe that train teachers and professionals working to protect the rights of children and adolescents is a critical task. These trainees then play the role of multipliers in their institutions and organizations concerned, to train and sensitize other professionals as well as children and youth.
  • Preparation and distribution of materials and information (available at Safer Internet Programme Manual was designed for primary schools in the City of Buenos Aires to complement the material on Comprehensive Sexuality Education produced by the Ministry of Education of the City, under the supervision of the Department of Curriculum . Booklet support teacher, to support teaching in relation to the subject. Advertisement with recommendations for safe navigation. educational game to implement in the classroom on children's communication through chat.
  • Teen Video Contest ("Technology Yes") , in which they and they develop proposals that include prevention messages and responsible use of ICT to address their peers. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis contest came from the strong belief that in relation to adolescents, they are best placed to think about self-care guidelines and care of others.
  • Development game interactive online Amigo @ s network: to play and feel safe " . From a play environment, children can assess whether the actions that the game is proposing to conduct, are potentially hazardous or not.
  • blog for journalists and communicators . We believe that journalists play a role in the dissemination of the problems and advantages in the use of ICTs. Thus, we provide tools and information for good management of these issues, and so support them in their task of contributing to the responsible use of ICT.
  • Development
    Web portal of the "Internet Safety: responsible for interaction with information technologies and communication" . A website that provides information and direct access to all our resources, tips and online resources for children and teens, information for parents and teachers, information on our online courses, links to our blogs and video contest "Technology Yes."

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Uninstall Acer Arcade Delux

cyberbullying and harassment through ICTs: Old and new problems? Recommendations

With the increasing use undisputed - the appropriation- of different technology devices by children in our society , what do you do? First, archaic structures not replicate these moments. That is, although the social, educational, parenting, relationship are basically the same, the way they present different characteristics due to the stamp of ownership that the kids do and new media technologies communication.

Some examples: always existed in schools coexistence problems in children more aggressive than others. Today, the all Internet access and cellular causes of aggression can be at all times and everywhere . and attackers can not hide behind the anonymity problem offered, for example, the publication of an aggressive post a reply or website of the victim. "Old Problem? Yes, because it is working with the students the respect for others, honesty, the courage to say things against the ethics of coexistence. New to problem? Also, because the mode presented is so different, that you can still use the same resources. Teachers, in this case, should be familiar with the devices they are using their students to think of new strategies for your work.

Another example: There was always, at all times, in danger from ill adults who abused, harassed or simply sexual gratification with children. But today, chat, photos naively postean children, the information they give their personal lives and, again, the possibility of anonymity afforded by the digital age makes these people can extract information, build contacts with children through false identities, etc.. "Old Problem? Again, yes. New to the problem? No doubt for the same reason as in the example above. Internet is becoming a new scenario where they happen abuse of children, even when there is no physical contact. In this case, different legislative bodies should amend the laws so that new ways of approaching for these purposes for children is punishable.

social Each space must reflect and draw conclusions , which will, no doubt, somewhere between the problems of new forms provided that they are presented with dynamic, changing formats and subjectivities so different that "almost" become new problems. No one should miss these new forms : neither the teachers (to teach better understanding of new tastes and habits and rules that govern the lives of children) and parents (to suggest with more conviction patterns prevention and care that their sons and daughters should build) and legislators (to be permanently recognize new forms of crime in order to act accordingly). Children are appropriated each new technological device that appears on the market without asking permission adults. But is our responsibility to think first and then promoting good practices and positive uses of the latter, not to lose sight of the social, family and education must always be upholding and promoting these uses. Since the Civil Association promote awareness of these problems by social actors, especially children and teenagers, so they can continue to enjoy and grow with all these screens that did not exist in our childhoods but from a fun but also healthy. Marcela
Director of the Association

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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to avoid evil in the WEB

Here are some helpful tips for boys, girls and adolescents

1 - Never give your personal data: name, address, password

2 - Not everyone is who they say they are on the internet. Do not talk to strangers and do not stay with someone you met online, have warned at least not before your parents

3 - Do not open suspicious files or rare. If you meet or send you any objectionable content, stop asking questions about your account. Talk it over with your parents.

4 - Respect websites that warn are not accessible to minors.

5 - Limit your time online. Internet should not replace other activities as homework, games and time to be with friends. The English Association of Pediatrics recommends one to two hours a day at the computer.

6 - The Social Network keep your profile private to keep strangers viewing your personal information.

7 - not go into the pay sites, much less give out the credit card number without supervision and authorization of an adult.

Cervical Changes During Ov

A campaign will train parents, teachers and students to learn to avoid the risks of web

The European Commission welcomes the Internet Day Security, a program that is intended 55 million euros, to combat the spread of racist content or child pornography on the Internet and prevent criminal behavior such as bullying, which this year focuses much of the campaign.

cases of peer harassment on the Internet, cyberbullying, has increased in recent years and now represents 20% of complaints received by the organization "One five cases we receive are bullying. Totaling to about 3,000 complaints per month, which is twice as they did in the past two years, "says Guillermo Cano, president of Protegeles, who believes that this phenomenon is closely associated with the boom of social networks.
The problem, according Cánovas, is that often there is too much ignorance on the part of parents, teachers and even young people, who know they are committing a crime by uploading some content to the Web to denounce the harassment of minors has been Site launched

For better training for risks to which young people face on the Internet has launched a campaign involving the European Commissions, Protégeles Pediatric Association and the Federation of Scouts of Spain, through which courses will be taught in schools and Scout groups. About 100
Microsoft employee volunteers will participate in this campaign and 350 groups of Scouts. Schools that wish to receive visits from volunteers can apply at Microsoft .

"We train parents to understand that surfing the Internet for their children should be supervised," says Juan Carlos Fernández, director of Microsoft's consumer. In addition to these talks, the company has launched a free telephone information line, as well as answer questions by phone and publish Messenger . On this website you can find tips and you can download a child protection program to limit the pages that are accessible to children, has a system to manage contacts that have children in the Messenger and provides reports Websites that have been visited. "Do not try to go against technology, but awaken a feeling. We have to avoid risks and attacks that children are exposed, "says Professor Alfonso Delgado, president of the English Association of Pediatrics.

parallel in their effort to achieve a safer, the EC has announced an agreement with 17 Internet companies and operators to commit to improving the protection of European children in the area of \u200b\u200bsocial networks.
Differences between 'bullying' and 'cyberbullying'

Bullying is not an invention of the Internet, but since publishing tools content have become popular among the cases of bullying have acquired a new dimension.
Social networks have replaced doors toilets in schools with the problem of the abuse or insults come to a wider readership.
"The cyberbullying is often an extension of the bullying. It starts at school and contiue posting a picture on the Internet, which are added comments. The worst thing is that traditionally the harassment was performed by two or three people accompanied by the we call spectators. On the Net, the problem is compounded because they start to engage more people, even many of them do not know the person affected, "said Guillermo Cano, president of Protégeles.

The other big difference, Cánovas, is advertising that is done on the internet where harassment happens to an area public where everyone can see the abuses, or alleged jokes in bad taste, well, if nothing is done, can last for a long time until the web remove that content.

Protégeles says it is very important to report these situations to immediately withdraw from malicious content. In this sense, Protégeles ensures that most Internet companies provide full cooperation in these matters.

Source: Journal

Male Model With 19 Bmi

Day Campaign for a Safer Internet

In order to promote safe and responsible use of Internet and new technologies of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will be held on Tuesday 10 February, the International Day Safer Internet for . Is an event that is organized by Insafe, the European network by an Internet Security, in order to promote a safe, optimal and responsible Internet and new screens among minors. In 2008, 55 countries on five continents participated in this event. For this year are those that echo the theme towards an information society Fair: 89 organizations from 33 countries confirmed their participation, and organized about 300 events around the world.

From Blogathon-venture that realizes the potential horizontal communication and exchange that are the blogs, now numbering more than 27.3 million worldwide-Insafe looking parents, educators and users around the world to share knowledge promote proper use, ethical and legal Internet.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brazilian Waxing In Richmond,va

Misuse, with consequences

The following note details a situation in which the misuse of technology has had unpleasant consequences for his protagonists and their families.


Rise to YouTube a video of two boys of 12 oral sex
two men are seen in 12 years, recorded by another. The video is no longer on the Web.

By: Marta Platia

A video that shows two kids of 12 years, students from two public high schools in Villa Carlos Paz, keeping oral sex in a private house sparked a scandal in Cordoba. The film was made by a third party who would have sent the video to other peers. In this situation, apparently, only three witnesses. However, became public when the boys from the two schools began to receive and forward the filming of a cell to another. Until someone takes it into his YouTube website.

"Fortunately, someone got off the Internet immediately," he told Clarin, Edith Ingar, director of Secondary School where he was attending one of those involved. "That hurt a lot to our alumni. But what else is affected his face was the only one who saw the scene. "Ingar said that the school work addressed the issue with colleagues." They tried to contain it during the days that followed the release of the video because it was wrong, "he said. It confirmed that the episode occurred in the first week of October but came to light just now.

The director entrusted Clarín he learned through the parents of one student. "They were concerned that their son told them he had had sex orally in a family with one kid and a third would have recorded with their phone. "

The boy's parents, who had received a job offer elsewhere, decided to accept it and moved away. This was the pain and embarrassment they caused what happened to his son.

"The boy managed to explain to his preceptor, he trusted a lot, they never imagined that they were filming. That felt cheated by the other two guys," said Ingar. 'These sexual practices are common among children?, asked Clarín. "Our young people are bombarded by information that style. Just turn on the TV so many kids end up doing what they see. We are facing a new generation, instead of condemning them for their deeds, we must try help. We as teachers are concerned and engaged in these issues. Technology is not bad, but it is surprising how fast things are happening. This province and adds numerous similar cases, one of the most resonant happened during the week of spring in the Valley of Traslasierra. There, a group of kids witnessed, recorded and up to the Internet two companions, a boy and a girl, "were a bit drunk and made love in a camping during the classic picnic Student Day" Clarín entrusted a police officer.
Knowing that he had been shot, she suffered a nervous breakdown and had to receive psychological assistance. Del

wireless Internet registration Let
display. This year also hit the Internet a video of a student of a school horse that cruelly mocks his history teacher in uniform.
In early October, two students at the Technical School No. 3 of Paraná were on the verge of expulsion to a video broadcast that saw them oral sex in the bathroom of a gas station. They were dressed in school uniform. The school officials also saw the shooting and 24 warnings were applied and a half to each. The school will not enroll them in 2009. Reporting

Also in Paraná, a group of parents of private school Santa Ana reported to the authorities for distributing a pornographic video that a girl oral sex to a partner. It was filmed with a cell phone and displayed at some kids.

Source: Clarín
