Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Male Model With 19 Bmi

Day Campaign for a Safer Internet

In order to promote safe and responsible use of Internet and new technologies of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will be held on Tuesday 10 February, the International Day Safer Internet for . Is an event that is organized by Insafe, the European network by an Internet Security, in order to promote a safe, optimal and responsible Internet and new screens among minors. In 2008, 55 countries on five continents participated in this event. For this year are those that echo the theme towards an information society Fair: 89 organizations from 33 countries confirmed their participation, and organized about 300 events around the world.

From Blogathon-venture that realizes the potential horizontal communication and exchange that are the blogs, now numbering more than 27.3 million worldwide-Insafe looking parents, educators and users around the world to share knowledge promote proper use, ethical and legal Internet.


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