I think this is worth sharing. Excellent documentary WikiLeaks and the people behind it. For bad luck is in English without subtitles.
"This is a time bomb full of information as opposed to conventional weapons. I hope this information will somehow stop conventional weapons"
"This is a time bomb full of information as opposed to conventional weapons. I hope this information will somehow stop conventional weapons"
Mikael Viborg (PRQ owner, company that offers the host to WikiLeaks)
Mikael Viborg (PRQ owner, company that offers the host to WikiLeaks)
"It's about attitude. What kind of attitude you have towards society? Do you see what is and accept Him as divine, or see society as something where you identify a problem and then find a creative solution to this problem? The question is: how are participating actively in society. "
Domscheit Daniel Berg (WikiLeaks former official spokesman and former member of the Chaos Computer Club)
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