Both from the field of primary care and from pharmacy, or even from the research, experts agree that while we are obsessed with improving the quality of health services, this is not the most decisive factor in the health of citizens. In fact, according to various studies it has increased in recent years, but currently only around an influence of 25 percent. Moreover, this idea is reinforced in that although it has increased investment in health, improving the perception of satisfaction of citizens has not been proportionate, and actually spent more, but it is spent differently, since 50 percent of this increase is due to the constant renewal of new technologies, which in fact always more expensive than the last. This is explained
Antonio Sarria, director of the English Agency for Health Technology Health Institute Carlos III, in the framework of the X Hall Bayer socio discussion in collaborating institutions such as the English Society of Directors of Health ( SEDIS), the English Society Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), the Association of Directors of Public Health (Adige), or academic institutions like the University Alfonso X the Wise. The expert explained that "innovation in medicine is always much more expensive than the one it replaces, unlike in other sectors which are to reduce costs." This phrase not only talked Sarria machinery and diagnostic tests, but also investing in drugs. "In Spain it is prescribed disproportionately more than any country in our environment." In fact, according to which he contributed, Spain is in second place in the prescription of antipsychotics and antidepressants, and the first in the prescription of drugs for osteoporosis.
"There are other factors that influence health," he replied in a clear reference Sarria healthy habits such as not smoking, diet, moderate daily sport, stress, etc. It was Henry Corn, who have experience in pediatrics and current manager of the interior region of Osakidetza, who showed that health involves many more factors such as education, environment, lifestyles, employment and social support among others. "The effect of health services is part of life, but if we understand that our effect is 25 percent or less, the costs are then multiplied. "In addition to these factors impacted on Basque manager which meant, in terms of quality of life and cost of health, the medicalization of life," becomes mild disease, aesthetic values, etc.. " Corn justified the medicalization of the external pressures that are both doctors and patients from society, the pharmaceutical industry, peers, media, etc.. "
Antonio Sarria, director of the English Agency for Health Technology Health Institute Carlos III, in the framework of the X Hall Bayer socio discussion in collaborating institutions such as the English Society of Directors of Health ( SEDIS), the English Society Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), the Association of Directors of Public Health (Adige), or academic institutions like the University Alfonso X the Wise. The expert explained that "innovation in medicine is always much more expensive than the one it replaces, unlike in other sectors which are to reduce costs." This phrase not only talked Sarria machinery and diagnostic tests, but also investing in drugs. "In Spain it is prescribed disproportionately more than any country in our environment." In fact, according to which he contributed, Spain is in second place in the prescription of antipsychotics and antidepressants, and the first in the prescription of drugs for osteoporosis.
"There are other factors that influence health," he replied in a clear reference Sarria healthy habits such as not smoking, diet, moderate daily sport, stress, etc. It was Henry Corn, who have experience in pediatrics and current manager of the interior region of Osakidetza, who showed that health involves many more factors such as education, environment, lifestyles, employment and social support among others. "The effect of health services is part of life, but if we understand that our effect is 25 percent or less, the costs are then multiplied. "In addition to these factors impacted on Basque manager which meant, in terms of quality of life and cost of health, the medicalization of life," becomes mild disease, aesthetic values, etc.. " Corn justified the medicalization of the external pressures that are both doctors and patients from society, the pharmaceutical industry, peers, media, etc.. "
Via: elmedicointeractivo.com
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