have to make something clear: this blog is the property of Google Inc. who provided me that I write. The only rules I must comply with are those of Google Inc. or If I close the blog. If I do not like the rules of Blogger / Google I should switch providers. If you have written here is because I agree and because they. While complying with their conditions I can do what I want. While complying with their conditions this blog, transfer, belongs to me I'm in charge here, here is what I say and I puteo if I come in wins. Now that we're clear, let the important thing:
Day Tuesday, May 3, the blogger Victor Vizcaino was arrested after the April 19 was issued a warrant for research purposes, and that is accused of having offended the Attorney General's Office in Washington Pesántez website The Prayer of a Pagan . Then moved to Quito, and fortunately yesterday, Wednesday 4 May was released, but his trial continues.
Mr. Victor Vizcaino is not my cup of tea, in fact much longer I'm making the call, sir, actually I think that is one of the worst scourges with which I sat down to share a beer in my life. Victor was troll of this blog for a while, so much so that one day he decided to erase all traces of his years here, then attack as anonymous (it is one of the reasons that this page has comment moderation.)
Politically Victor is a fucking salad is said libertarian, but accepts that is right, walks with conservatives, but give satanic attacks, but was consecrated to the Sorrowful Mother and is affiliated with the Social-Christian party. Defender Febres-Cordero, and Nebot to death, repeatedly insulted us and tried to detract from the work we did with our documentary. He was one of the most important in spreading the rumor that we had paid by Alianza País shekels, and they really were "communists." In short it is a minarchist, mercantilist and neo-conservative (which is not bad per se case), but their ignorance does not let ideological understand the flow of political ideas.
Victor is one of those people who are dedicated to screwing the rest because they go to sex offenses. Regionalist, homophobic hater to death of anyone who does not think like him. Is a classic case of someone not embraced enough of tiny and grew sick. All your posts are disgusting, everyone is ugly the other and each write more crap than the other. It has a trauma of riding the political face of porn pictures and officials draw penises in their hands. Almost everything you write is crap. Repeatedly said in Guayaquil rebellious, threatening but when we saw on the street crossed the sidewalk. It's the kind of people who along with Margarita Arosemena and the people of Guayaquil's Pie, shouted "long communists Go back to planting potatoes!" who were against their encampment in the San Francisco and then accused me of having ETA Basque surname.
I'm not insulting the people, let alone those who take the time to write a post as stupid as this, but this monstrosity is worth it. What has happened with this rat, worms warrior, is really unheard of: the government arresting a person for writing on his personal blog. That can not be allowed. Victor Vizcaino may be a major embarrassment to this city and an ideal case where the lack of vitamins in the diet cause long term damage, but still has the right to speak. And here, on my blog, I rule. In The Prayer of a Dummy Pagano, your blog, send it.
is not acceptable in any way, that the prosecutor apprehend a person for writing in his internet blog (if it is really him and not a phishing cybernetics). For more insulting and stupid to write. There is no such thing as "right to privacy." Honor is what someone thinks of you, and if you think you're a waste of human being, as it has every right to speak, especially within private property.
What happened to Victor is frightening, because it sets a precedent of what government can do. Even in the street until you hit you hit not only the onset of physical aggression justifies the use (proportional) of force. If you stick a punch,'ll stick a couple to stay still and ready, not budding bullet. They are bullies and those who start early aggression, and those who use force disproportionately. A Victor was arrested in the street at a red light, police in civilian clothes who were following him, he was arrested and taken to the PJ, the incommunicable and then moved to Quito. That is a highly dangerous criminal with a mafia, not a blogger who does not read or the mother. No one who advocates for freedom will never agree with such abuses. Not for the swallow cock Tapin Victor Vizcaino but for our own safety, who want to live in freedom should to send this fiscal cock fucking gangster and his gang of human rights violators. This is way out of line.
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