Porno: Feminism vs. Feminism Because of my last post on Black Pixel and altered responses I received, I relive this post that dates back more than a year. On the one hand, a dear friend, how I can claim that I want to film something that degrades both the woman and the other a friend was surprised that I want to record porn ever since I was reading books on feminism. This text is to clarify that porn has nothing against women, and that not all versions of feminism are equal. The post was written in August 2009. Wandering in cyberspace I found a Notice
somewhat old, but gives a lot to talk.
Coordinator Women's Cibao in the Dominican north, today expressed outrage over the shooting of a pornographic film starring local and Haitian women and is considered "a mockery vulgar and an attack on the dignity "of women.
The spokesman cited coordinator Yolanda Santana, stressed that the shooting is an attack on the Dominican society, which sought to rule and take measures against such actions "which also involve denigrating women, girls and adolescents in this country, "he said.
comes to what limits the ridiculousness of so-called feminists. This word encompasses many views and opinions totally different. There are from single-minded authoritarian feminists, anarcho-feminist to the individualistic, and between the two positions there is a gradient with a number of different aspects.
Unfortunately the position more visible and more generally known is that of authoritarian feminists, fascist, anti-men, ridiculous and RECENT. This is the branch of feminists who oppose both the beauty contest as to pornography as anything that they consider sexist and patriarchal. The Feminist Consciousness
blog there are many anti-porn texts, where sack the following paragraphs:
The mass-marketed heterosexual pornography contemporary (the bulk of the market for sexually explicit material) is a place where you create and distribute a particular meaning of sex and gender. The central ideological message of pornography is not difficult to discern: Women exist to provide sexual pleasure to men, regardless of how men want that pleasure, no matter what consequences it has for women. It is not just that women exist for sex, but there are for men who want sex.
Despite claims naïve (or disingenuous) that pornography is a vehicle for the sexual liberation of women, the bulk of the mass-marketed pornography is incredibly sexist. From the ugly language used to describe women, to the positions subordination, to their own sexual practices, pornography is relentlessly misogynistic. As the industry "matures" the most popular genre of movies called "gonzo," continues to push the limits of degradation and cruelty towards women.
sincerely believe that whoever wrote this is insane, or only seen one type of porn, or is recenter, or something is missing haha. But let's go the ideological side, if someone decides to record a video and hires some actors, there is no problem. The actors come freely and voluntarily, because they consider personal remuneration, monetary, fame or whatever, is good and worthwhile. Now, if the actors are porn actors and their actions are having sex with others, what is the difference. None. That is called freedom. Women working in the porn industry do so freely and voluntarily. Where is the problem? Luckily for us, the feminazis have thought of everything and the FAQ of Stop Porn Culture
have an answer for all my arguments. Let's see:
(I'll try to translate texts in English, but I think it is so good translator) How can we criticize pornography where women who do chose to be involved?
StopPornCulture! does not condemn women who work in industry, we support all women and recognize the cultural context in which they make their decisions. We recognize that many women are under a variety of economic problems and have few options. Studies suggest that a disproportionate percentage of women involved in the sex industry were sexually abused as children, which tends to steer the women to see as their primary function, to sexual pleasure for men. We criticize industry that exploits these women, not women themselves.
Interesting. Much more interesting to remember that "industries" do not exist. There are individuals. There is a producer who hires a director to make a movie. There is a production manager who hires the staff: illuminator, cameraman, script, best boy and of course porn stars. There are many individuals who are dedicated to marketing the finished product, and that is because there are many more individuals who buy that product. Against whom oppose? Who are the industry? "The director is the industry? If I pay for editing a porno, I'm part of the industry? Do you oppose the sexual exploitation? Is it contrary to the companies that produce? What if in companies that produce, among senior administrative positions, women are producing? "They are exploitative or exploited too? Is it contrary to all the people who consume pornography? In short, I ended up more confused than I was, now do not even know what they oppose. Only they do not like porn and want to ban it.
on the argument that most porn stars just chose this work
(because yes, it's a job like any other) economic necessity, for lack of alternatives or because they were abused girls
(¡¡¡¿ ¿¿???!!!) should ask for a porn star. I do not think things are necessarily to be. In an interview
, Alektra Blue
explains how he became a porn actress.
"He told me how much money could masomenos
(referring to Taryn Thomas, a personal friend who is also a porn star) and it was enough money. I asked my mom and she said
" safe loading and if you do not like you back. " So I gave it a chance. I was not sure if I like. I thought I would be back in two days but ended up staying for a while.
I began to meet people and really they are all very nice. It was much easier than I thought. (laughs) The money was pretty good so I guess that's why I've been there. "
never said that she was abused. Never says from a pitiful sight that he had more opportunities and therefore did, in fact she and Taryn worked in a call center before being pornstars. No one forced her, no one even threatened with the support of his mother. Where is the exploitation of the want to save?
Is there who do out of necessity? Yes, I suppose. Like many women are secretaries, seamstresses, astronauts, cooks, quantum physics, or whatever anyone walks out of necessity and claiming. All who work are in some way or another necessity.
But anti-porn vision is as close as the morals of Christians. In fact it seems that anti-porn feminists and the conservative wing politicians were the same side. Still, leftist feminists are considered and defended:
"In criticizing pornography, feminists do not end up adding to the right wing (read conservative) of politics?
tell the truth about the exploitation and abuse against women is not supporting any political movement that wants to restrict the rights of women and stifle the ability of culture to move towards better sexual health. Telling the truth about pornography is to put a name to a system of oppression that harms women and society.
In 1983, the lawyers Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon drafted an anti-pornography ordinance on behalf of the Council of the City of Minneapolis, U.S.. The ordinance did not prohibit pornography, Dworkin and MacKinnon as they thought it would be counterproductive, making an illegal pornography, exempt from government regulations, and thus cause more damage.
However, opening the possibility that any woman , consuming pornography, feel affected in their rights to sue those responsible. Fortunately this ordinance was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of that country. According Court, the ordinance violated the constitutional right to free expression.
Luckily. No law that comes from Andrea Dworkin might be good. remember that it is one of the most representative feminazis the anti-man. In my opinion, his theories are malicious, ridiculous and very primitive. I have not read everything written obviously, but what little I've read is true and tirelessly repeated primitivez. To sample just a button
"Pornography reveals that sexual pleasure in men, is inextricably tied to victimizing, hurting, exploiting, have fun and sexual passion in the privacy of the imagination of man is inseparable from the brutality of its history. The private world of sexual domination The men claim their right and freedom, is the mirror image of the public world of sadism and atrocity that man consistently and with an air of moral superiority regrets. It is in the experience of pleasure of man, which is the meaning of human history. "
really sick. Now I understand what it was that inspired Camille Paglia to a Playboy interview request: " Abolish with feminism and sickening, with its stomach cut nurses, anorexic, bulimic, depressed, victims of rape and incest survivors! " , request completed with an apology of pornography because "allows the body to experience the lust of the flesh Absolutism in a disorderly manner."
That phrase I liked it! Her if she liked me. And also be considered feminist. This is the other side of feminism. Where to go all those who consider themselves feminists but share ideas with individualism, liberalism, anarchism, and other isms that put individual freedom as the base.
In this aspect I will quote Wendy McElroy, feminist and anarchist individualist market. One of the minds that makes the word feminism again be respected. On the issue of pornography, she distinguishes 3 kinds of feminisms. The first is the intolerant and authoritarian feminism: are opposed to pornography and seek to prohibit, to travez state laws or methods of direct action. The second is the feminist friendly, also believe that pornography is degratante and all that, but are aware that they can not prohibit or threaten the individuality of others. The third is the pro-porn feminism: not only does not oppose, but agrees with pornography, considered to be good, useful and necessary. She is the mother of this stream of "women pornographers."
In a statement, McElroy analyzes and answers the anti-porn positions:
"Pornography is degrading for women. "
Degrading is a subjective term. I find it very degrading certain commercial in which women become orgasmic with soap products. The bottom line is that every woman has the right to define what is degrading and liberating for herself. This degradation is commonly assumed attached to the "obetificación" women: that is, porn makes you die in the sexual objetvos. What does this mean? If taken literally, it means nothing because objects do not have sex, only beings have it. But to say that porn reworked to women as "sexual beings" is very poor rhetoric.
Usually the term "Sex objects" means showing women as body parts, reducing it to physical objects. What is wrong with this? Women are both your body and your mind and your soul. No one claims if presented to a woman as a single "brain" or a spiritual being. If I only I focus on the sense of humor of a woman and exclude its other features is it degrading? Why, then, yes it is to focus on their sexuality?
"Pornography leads to violence against women. "
A cause and effect relationship is drawn between men viewing porn and men attacking women, especially rape. But studies and experts disagree on whether there is any relationship between pornography and violence, between image and behavior. (...) In Japan, where pornography and graphic violence is pretty brutal adsequible, rapes per capita are much lower than in the U.S., where violent porn is restricted.
"Pornography is violence because women are under coercion."
None of the women involved in pornography with whom I spoke reported being coerced. No one even knew who they were. Anyway, do not underestimate the reports of violence: Every industry has its abuses. And anyone who uses force or try to make a woman act should be prosecuted for kidnap, assault and / or rape. Any picture or film should be confiscated and burned, because nobody has the right to benefit from the procedure a crime.
"Pornography is violence because women who pose for porn are so traumatized by patriarchy can not have a real CONSENT."
Although women in pornography appear to agree, anti-porn feminists know that no psychologically healthy woman would agree with the degradation of pornography. Then, if women seem to agree, is because "it has fallen in love with his own oppressor" and must be rescued from herself. A common feature among the porn stars that I could interview, is the love for the exhibit. Now, if a woman declares that enjoys teaching his body, anti-pornography feminists say she is not a unique human being who reacts to a different profile or personality. She is psychologically ill and is not responsible for their actions.
In essence, this is a denial of the right of women to choose anything outside the narrow corridor of being politically and sexually correct. The right to choose means the right to make a "bad" choice, as freedom of religion leaves the right to be atheist. After all, nobody can prevent a woman do what she thinks should be done.
As a pro-sex feminist, I declare: Pornography benefits women, both personally and politically.
In this same way, there are several trends in both feminists and pornography, and often both are together. Girls who like Porn
is an audiovisual collective of women who began making pornography alternative. As this
there are many around the world. There are many trends, as well as the cinema is not only Hollywood, the porn is not just San Fernando Valley. For taste is
all . I remember some years ago in a forum talking to
Silpivipiapa (vocalist Last spring ) and told me he wanted someone to do other than pornography, I was tired of seeing the same and the same , and they were making porn shops HTM. As is now recognized: Erika Lust
is a porn film director and journalist, who has been praised for its innovations in the erotic film. In an interview
"Women do not have pornographic culture. concept for us is a dirty, just for men ugly aesthetic level ... the whole concept is somewhat dark connotations. I think there are very few women who see porn as something positive. "
So, back to the theories of Wendy McElroy: Pornography allows women to enjoy scenes and situations that could be desagrabables for them in real life. Pornography breaks cultural and political stereotypes, making itself can have sex. Traditional values \u200b\u200btell the woman who bore his desires and appetites, pornography tells them to accept them and enjoy.
Pornography is a good therapy. The Porn is freedom of expression applied to the sexual reality. Pornography Like all other sexual heresies, should have the same legal protection as political heresy. Legitimize pornography, would give protection to sex workers who are being stigmatized in our society.
So I invite all anti-porn feminists who visit this blog, to stop feeling guilty and start to enjoy it.