Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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30% lower mortality with a cardiac rehabilitation program at the Health ICT

English Heart Foundation (ESF), with the support of the English Society of Cardiology (SEC), presented, on November 4 at Madrid's Casa del Corazon, PrevenSEC project, an initiative to provide the patient with major heart patterns to consider carrying out a proper program of secondary prevention after suffering a cardiovascular event.

With few cardiac rehabilitation units in Spain, PrevenSEC intended as an aid to the patient, with the support of his cardiologist, to continue a full program of secondary prevention from home.

The project is a review of major risk factors and their impact on cardiovascular health, for better understanding of the patient, and sets important aspects to consider in order that the patient can normalize their lives as soon as possible. These aspects have an impact especially on drug treatment to follow, in the control of risk factors in diet, exercise, recovery of sexual activity, return to work and the importance of psychological factors as a key recovery and control of the disease.

During the presentation will discuss the benefits that can provide good cardiac rehabilitation program followed by the patient. In this regard, among other findings, experts say that a proper cardiac rehabilitation program and secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction can reduce up to 30% mortality in the average patient.

One of the main problems to be addressed is the lack of consistency on the part of patients to follow treatment or, especially, to change their lifestyle. In this regard it is noteworthy that, for example, after a few months, the patient relaxes in the perception of cardiovascular problems and one third of them just failing the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Spain is at the tail in cardiac rehabilitation units. In total, there are only about 40 such units, half in private, and only 4% of people who have had a stroke or other cardiovascular event go to rehabilitation in a specialized unit.

The presentation of the project will include the chairman of the Section of Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation of the SEC, Dr. Joseph A. Casasnovas and experts in secondary prevention and rehabilitation in Spain. In addition, the president of the Association of Coronary Patients (APACOR) and patient cardiac rehabilitation unit, Mariano Hernandez, explain their experience and expertise as a patient in a cardiac rehabilitation unit.

Via: fundaciondelcorazon.com


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