Thursday, May 5, 2011
Does Gin Cause Impotency
Monday, May 2, 2011
Pain On Left Side Of Neck
How can successfully treat resistant hypertension?
In a considerable number of hypertension patients can not be well controlled or with three or more drugs. Today we have a new option for these cases: renal sympathectomy intervention.
pathophysiological concept which states that blood pressure is the result of an overactive sympathetic nervous system is not new.
From the 50's practice of sympathectomy surgery as a last resort in malignant hypertension (resistant to conventional treatment). As aggressive operation is not at all surprising that this form of treatment has not ever come to impose itself as a real alternative.
Thanks to modern technology via a catheter is now possible that this approach to long-term therapy. This is a modified and much less aggressive treatment of hypertension. The goal of treatment is made up of nerve fibers of the sympathetic nervous system involving the renal arteries and penetrate the adventitia.
We know that renal nerve fibers largely determine the overall activity of the sympathetic nervous system and renal denervation of the sympathetic system is a new effective procedure for treatment of resistant hypertension or malignant.
This new method of bilateral denervation of the renal artery was performed by radiofrequency ablation is performed through an endovascular catheter. The procedure is not complicated in its implementation, lasts 40 to 60 minutes. Patients receive only a local anesthetic and analgesic.
A randomized study conducted by the team Dr. Michael Böhm in Homburg / Saar (Germany) and published recently, have shown positive results of this technique and its effectiveness in the treatment of malignant hypertension.
Dr. Mahfoud, a contributor to this team, said at the congress in Mannheim of the German Society of Cardiology, the patients selected for this study were taking an average of five to six different drugs for high blood pressure and nevertheless still had elevated blood pressure values.
Compared with the control group, which on average no significant changes in group selective renal sympathectomy, six months after surgical treatment was able to observe a significant reduction in blood pressure, with an average of 33/10 mmHg.
both measurements of blood pressure at home as their 24-hour ambulatory monitoring, we were able to demonstrate a significant reduction in blood pressure. After ablation, 84% of patients had a reduction in systolic blood pressure of at least 10 mm Hg in the control group only produced a reduction of blood pressure in 34% of patients.
denervation renal sympathetic also had a favorable effect on glucose metabolism, said Dr. Mahfoud. There was a significant reduction in blood glucose (fasting 118mg/dl average, it fell to 108 mg / dl) and improved insulin sensitivity.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Quotes For Picnik About Best
Two years have passed and many things in this course. The documentary premiered a Thursday in March 2009. Still moves me the auditorium of the Ministry of Litoral full, with people sitting in the aisles and standing in the background. Oscar Pineda covered the event with a note in The Telegraph and for us that it was enough. Then Silvia Buendía, Héctor Xavier Andrade Chiriboga and write about the video.
The documentary he spent another day on the street, with a projector, on March 6 and August 10. EcuadorTV also aired on a Sunday at 21h00 and then by range on a Thursday at 8.30am causing controversy. He had over 40 missed calls on my phone. Supposedly representatives of the Christian Social party spoke to the news media against the documentary. I woke up at 14h00, hangover. Our
misspelled names came out in all the newspapers. We were told we were going to sue and threatened some of the merchants who participated with us. We had to "hire" a lawyer and we were shit scared. In my cell got a call from Fernando Alvarado, saying that the President had liked our work and wanted a copy. She was never sent. We met with CT Enrique Arosemena, who gave us permission to use a lot of footage (which we used without permission) and clarified that the legal problem for the transmission range was not our business. One year later re-released the film with a new and accurate interview Miguel Salazar Haro. This time the room was filled MAAC Cine.
The Federation of Retail Merchants of the Guayas, on the anniversary gave us a symbolic diploma. Ernesto Toledo introduced us as "two young men break paradigms, which are where no one has called to say what no one dared to say and who risked to show the reality of retailing in Guayaquil. " We took a picture with the symbolic mother of the association. We became merchants panas A couple of officers tried to exploit the Conservatives guaiac branded us as traitors to the city.
With this, our debut , participate in the 1st Meeting of Community Documentary "Image of the People" . We were invited to 2nd Meeting of Latin American and Caribbean Documentary - DOCLAT , which was held in Guayaquil. We met many interesting people and although we can not participate, were invited and "scholarships" to meet the other film festival - EDOC 9, in the city of Quito. Informal Guayaquil for some time hung in the former page and thanks to several friends backpackers, the DVD has covered nearly all Latin America. I am told that the last presentation was a forum of the Landless Movement in Brazil. Stuart
Novoa in his thesis "The activist documentary film and video activism in Ecuador" we review:
"(Guayaquil Informal) is a clear indication of what the activist documentary film in the sense of mobilizing consciousness, the film becomes an act in which people reflect on the state of their city. Reporting is a documentary that questions the municipal management of Jaime Nebot, who has been responsible for persecuting, torturing criminalize and informal traders in Guayaquil. (...)
The documentary filmmakers assume the responsibility to show what has happened in the past, contextualizing the present with a decade of repression by the Guayaquil municipality. (...)
Beyond its technical merit, its main merit lies in its power as a tool to generate discussion on issues Guayaquil that takes for granted. "
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Kasneb Results 2010(december Sitting)
Mario Mingo, a spokesman for Health of the popular group in the Congress of Deputies, also intervened in the presentation of this model of management, work will continue throughout this year to present the next April 25, 2012 a new version new additions and annexes. The deputy argued thus: "This comprehensive report will be one of the reports referred to the health sector the next few years, and that focuses not only on the diagnosis but suggests interesting ideas. " In his view, "is a proposal that can agree or not, but it is the basis for the discussion of where the NHS will, as it touches on all key issues such as management, policy professionals, drug policy, research and innovation "
As enunciated what Ignatius is" a nonpartisan and partisan proposal with expert opinion, from common sense and wisdom, without academicisms, and then in vocation development and improvement. " The solutions proposed this model go through ideas such as the adjustment of benefits to available funding, efficient management, the use of public and private resources together, the freedom to choose doctors, the transparency of information, state regulation interoperability and common legislative development, among others. Similarly, in his analysis of current criticism about the current model, incurring faults such as non-development of the General Health Law, or in the words of Ignatius, that "Health has become an instrument of power government of the autonomous communities, generating a movement of investments are not necessary Luxury and inefficient, difficult to sustain today. " Therefore this model involves ideas such as separation of the financing, insurance and provision, so that "the state would be funded by the policyholder, the insured citizens and healthcare institutions with arrangements to be determined the insurers. "
regard to funding problems, such as copayments, this system does not address a copayment for medical act, and that the bureaucratic cost of management would be excessive. Likewise, on the other target in terms of financing, such as pharmaceutical costs, this model intends to focus more on efficiency and control of drug efficacy. New
physician's role "We say we're going to eradicate primary care, but because he needs a radical change" and explained to one of the main points of this proposal, which is to define the physician's role on all primary, where the idea is to "eliminate health care level to make them care processes." The physician, therefore, would become the steward in managing the health of citizens, and would have the role of discrimination and to organize the demand as well as educate their patients on the proper use of the system. All this goes to eliminate the official figure of health professionals and to create a salary according to skills and competencies.
also addresses the need for a new charter for health professionals, and the transformation and development of professional associations as well as a thorough reform of the current model of university education and specialists, in which there is a self-management public universities.
Groping Im Bus Movies
Uguet presented the different forms of collaboration between the private and public sector in Spain and the need to promote such cooperation to reduce the deficit English public health and ensure the sustainability of the current accumulated deficit of more than 15,000 million euros.
The World Health Care Congress -Europe Congress is one of the largest health management at European level in which to date have involved more than 1,500 delegates and is the seventh edition has had the participation of speakers and Bernat Soria, Joe Cassar, Malta's Minister of Health , James Reilly, Ireland's Minister of Health, Thomas Bublitz, Director General of the German Association of Private Hospitals, Dr. Paul Garassus, member of Executive Committee UEHP, Piotr Gerber, vice president of the Polish Association of Private Hospitals, the Dr. Mohan Chellappa, President Johns Hopkins Medicine International, and Dr. Philipp Vetter, head of strategy at the Ministry of Health in Abu Dhabi, among others.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Rotted Porch Post On Concrete
Antonio Sarria, director of the English Agency for Health Technology Health Institute Carlos III, in the framework of the X Hall Bayer socio discussion in collaborating institutions such as the English Society of Directors of Health ( SEDIS), the English Society Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), the Association of Directors of Public Health (Adige), or academic institutions like the University Alfonso X the Wise. The expert explained that "innovation in medicine is always much more expensive than the one it replaces, unlike in other sectors which are to reduce costs." This phrase not only talked Sarria machinery and diagnostic tests, but also investing in drugs. "In Spain it is prescribed disproportionately more than any country in our environment." In fact, according to which he contributed, Spain is in second place in the prescription of antipsychotics and antidepressants, and the first in the prescription of drugs for osteoporosis.
"There are other factors that influence health," he replied in a clear reference Sarria healthy habits such as not smoking, diet, moderate daily sport, stress, etc. It was Henry Corn, who have experience in pediatrics and current manager of the interior region of Osakidetza, who showed that health involves many more factors such as education, environment, lifestyles, employment and social support among others. "The effect of health services is part of life, but if we understand that our effect is 25 percent or less, the costs are then multiplied. "In addition to these factors impacted on Basque manager which meant, in terms of quality of life and cost of health, the medicalization of life," becomes mild disease, aesthetic values, etc.. " Corn justified the medicalization of the external pressures that are both doctors and patients from society, the pharmaceutical industry, peers, media, etc.. "
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Shiny Pokemon List Peral
The competition "Yes Connect Technology with responsibility" aims to reward short audiovisual made by boys and girls between 12 and 18, which address "how the different actors in society can be used in a responsible and safe Internet and various technological devices. " It is organized by the Civil Association and sponsored by, Google and Save the Children.
Here you can see the winners of the 2010 edition: 1st
Award Title: I hate Charlie
Authors: Carlitos.
Participants: Amanda (17), Sofia (17), Jonathan (17), Fernando (18).
Location: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Institution: Door 18.
Award Title: Everything was perfect ... but something went wrong
Authors: TresGatosLocos.
Participants: Martin Mazal (17), Matias Bettini (18), Francisco Restivo (18), Lucas Mazal (15), James Bettini (16), James Restivo (13).
Location: Pilar, Buenos Aires.
Institution: Bede's Grammar School, Brick Towers College, Los Robles Pilar.
Prize Title: The technological circle
Authors: Polvorines.
Participants: Martin Ceballos (17), Martin Sanchez (18), Ariel Ceballos (14), Lucas Alonso (16).
Location: Los Polvorines, province of Buenos Aires.