Communities autonomous in which more than 25 percent of the population has private health insurance are the regions less public spending per person generated, according to the IDIS, thus defending the tax incentives for insurance contracts.
The Institute for Development and Integration of Health (IDIS), which brings together private hospitals and insurers, has released data from health insurance penetration in the various autonomous and has concluded that regions with higher percentage of population with double insurance (public and private) are those that have lower public health expenditure.
other words, private health public system saves resources, specifically, an average of 1,500 euros per person per year, as estimated by IDIS.Los data show that autonomy as Madrid and the Balearic Islands, where the percentage of People with private insurance exceeds 25 percent of the total population, are in the queue in public spending per capita, with 1,103 and 1,003 euros per person per year, respectivamente.Del Similarly, regions like Extremadura and Asturias, where only 10 percent population has opted for private insurance, are among the communities in which the public health budget effort is higher, per capita spending of 1,390 and 1,495 euros respectively.
IDIS findings, which link the highest percentage of private insurance with the lowest public expenditure is met for most of autonomy, although in cases like that of Aragon there is a high private insurance (20 percent) and at the same time, health spending per capita than the English average, and in Valencia, on the contrary, public spending is recorded below average and a private insurance also low, suggesting that other factors as self-efficacy in the management or sociodemographic characteristics would also influence the higher or lower public health expenditure. According to Juan Abarca
Cidón, general secretary IDIS, what these data show is that "the planning of the health system should have all the resources, both public and private, and exploiting and enhancing the efforts of users private system paid a supplement for their health. "In this sense covers Cidón insists that" the promotion of private insurance with initiatives such as tax help to download the public system economically. "
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