Monday, February 7, 2011

Im Always Getting A Cold

Nazis, skinheads and the right of free speech.

This is a complicated issue and that many will jump, so try to be direct. National Socialism is implemented one of the largest ever conceived ideological aberrations. I will not analyze or explain why Nazism is the brother of communism, just let's leave that to kill people in the name of progress or social peace is a crime. I have never defended, and I hope never to defend some form of fascist government. I believe in individual sovereignty as a fundamental pillar of a society, and precisely because I believe in that, think people have the right to profess any political ideology, stupid even as big as being a Nazi or Stalinist.

In Spain, a year ago or so was a case of violation of fundamental rights of a person, simply because of their political thought. Pedro Varela was prosecuted for owning a library of national-socialist literature. Last December, Varela entered prison to serve his sentence of one year and three months. "We do not judge ideas, but dissemination of doctrine of hate " the prosecutor said. I'm sorry but" spreading the doctrine of hate "are ideas. Varela has not committed any crime. It has not violated anyone's rights. Solo has released its ideological position. If I have right to be an anarchist, why he has no right to be a Nazi?
At sentencing, the judge described the books that sold Library Europe "are responsible for the ills of the world the Jewish people , which states that black people are inferior, that the best way to respect racial segregation is that the mixture will bring the demise of civilization and women should not have the same rights as men. " All this is quite disgusting, but it is no crime.
" A crime is a violation of the rights of other men by force or fraud. Only the beginning of physical force against others can be classified as a crime in a free society. Ideas in a free society, not a crime, and can not serve as justification for one. "Ayn Rand
The skinheads " Nazi "as in the case of Quito, if they are criminals. beatings and attempted murder people themselves are violations of the rights of others. These people themselves should be put to death, but by their actions not by their ideas. Attacking someone only profess an ideology adverse to ours, is precisely what makes not fascists or Nazis but merely criminals. They can not hide behind the right to free expression, because their acts are not crimes of thought .

"The skinheads are a problem of capitalism, also attribute it to Hitler; when Hitler probably would have gotten into a correctional facility. " Interesting and funny this phrase Varela.
My parents


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