Monday, February 22, 2010

Pampers Diaper Raffle Sayings

The Creator / a - Look inside my light in

The Creator / a - Look inside my light in

Channeled by Paul ( )


February 22, 2010 - 23.00


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I feel a terrible sensation in the chest and connect me because if this is not a message ... something fishy is going on inside my chest, I feel that I get the heart. The truth is that I am more than happy because I really I was already concerned about not having pipes these days.

I need help, as always, send the name to my head ... I see the word CRE ... CREATOR?

"Keep breathing. The energy you feel is very strong, but that happens because it is the first time I am in you, manifesting in this that you call "energy package", but I am all and all are self.

I'm on every particle and every bit of anything. I Light within you. Look for the light that dwells in your heart.

energy is strong you feel, just relax, let it flow ... (pause)

need that each and every one of you I look inside, because inside is where prevails that Light and that Light is part of me. If you find that light, since there are going to start her shift, irradiating to abroad, with all of you covered by that Light.

Go within. This is the message today. I leave power because it is strong and you need time to assimilate. Take the time to rest but sends the message today. Come back soon.

I leave you with a sense of peace and love. And all of you who are reading them leave the same feeling. Just look inside that little light to start glowing.

I love them. I am I, the creator / Creator of everything. "


I must admit that after having this channel I was a dark time in the same place channel (room) because the feeling was very strong and peace that left me ... amazing! Now you have finished transcribing still feel full of energy.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Paper Can U Use For A Rizzler

As Change

share an email I get and I find it interesting for us all. ------------------------------

"To change, each of us has to be how you want the world to be. This means you start doing the right thing in every decision you make in your daily life, right at work, with friends in the sport you play, to take public transportation, etc, etc, etc.

right thing is what you know internally that is what should be done in the situation where you are, the right thing is not what you should do or what will generate more money, or what leads you to your position on the others, or what your boss forces you to do to "sell more." Already

stop blaming politicians, police, journalists, businesses, military ... surely have too, but most are asleep and a cynical minority wants to depopulate the world and maintain sleep to survive.

Wake up now, start doing the right thing in your life! You'll be changing the real world. Fragment

presentation by Bill Hicks, "Just a Ride":

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Working For Western And Southern A Scam

things Yeshua: Follow your instincts

Yeshua: Follow your instincts
Channeled by Paul ( )
Wednesday February 17, 2010 - 10:40 am

* Blog: http://mensajesmaestros . /
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because I leave the channel open the feeling I was not going. Osiris I channeled but power remains strong in the chest. Who's there?

"All we're seeing from this side for what you are going, what you are feeling.

should not worry if you channel well known to use their own thoughts, saying they are messages from us.

Everyone knows internally that message is true, that message came from the head.

For many people still EGO is very important. You can not fight against it, against people who puts his ego before the wonder of the heart.

Much was said about all this, I think everyone knows, especially ... channels you like what you live differentiate normally and then piped to a pipe (message) really good and reliable.

I Yeshua to all who are reading.

not worry about the other channels. You just keep working on yourself, to decode these messages if true.

Whether other channels have reached many more people and messages from your head. Each of you, ALL, new, old, you just wake up and long time ago that are in it know when something comes from the heart or something comes from the head. They feel, FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS. If you feel that something is not a message, do not continue reading.

You are great fighters and great teachers who know how to differentiate what is right and what is wrong.

need to put strong commitment to working in you and decode things as they should be decoded.

You do not worry and do not feel dejected because you know you read things from the mind in other channels, because it is not your case. If other channels speaks his own mind ... let them be, do not judge and move on working on yourself.

Everyone knows that message was true and that no, or each CREE know, maybe can not see the difference between what came from his head and what is ours. They are so sure of themselves they believe that something that came from his head is said by us and it is not even have to my name in that post, but while not hurting anybody is good to keep working and reading, but everyone knows how to identify each and every message written message released. You do not worry, your next in line, follow your path, working in you, for the sake of humanity and for us.

is important to stay active. Do not worry.

Question: this is not a personal message and I have to spread, no?

If dear brother, spread it, because only you are seeing and feeling this. "

Leather Tape For My Sofa

Osiris - Walk into the Light

Osiris - Walk into the Light
Channeled by Paul ( )
Wednesday February 17, 2010 - 10:20 am

* Blog: http://mensajesmaestros.blogspot . com /
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while ago have not received a referral, at times I felt the call but was very light and when I connect anything ... I'm feeling something in the chest that is too strong and now I have no doubt if someone wants to send a message.

tries to rise as much as I can but I need help sending pictures to my head.

ASAR word I see clearly now .. something with U, I have no idea what it is unless word has an error and RANDOM is will he have to do? ... now I see NO, ok .. has nothing to do ... Who are you? .. I see an O .... OSIRIS?

"I'm on this side of the veil this time to contemplate the wonder that is.'m Grilling or as most of you know me ... OSIRIS.

Do not panic I am of the Light, you can find all my information and add it to this email.

my name I seem odd but a looong time ago I lived in Egypt and my that's pretty hectic life.

Today I am on this side, contemplating the wonder of the transformation of each one of you.

should take into account what is being said, it is very important because as you know changes are subject to change.

All this is changing constantly thanks to the evolution of all of you and the work they are doing.

I come to give my brotherly hug and my encouragement to continue working forward into the path of Light, because the light will find all your answers

Light coats, protects, teaches, feeds, Light is everything, live and vibrate to light.

That's all for now, but I'll come with more. Thank you for taking this first meeting.

Egyptian name: Grilling / Usir
Greek Name: Osiris
Representation: Human mummified with the white crown and 2 pens

Father of Horus and husband of Isis , you are considered direct ancestor of royalty. Osiris was one of the most popular gods and important of the Egyptian pantheon. His cult was centered on Abydos and Busiris where it replaced an ancient local god, Andyety (probably a local character deified) but extended throughout Egypt. emerged Busiris , Egyptian Per-Usir , which means "temple or house of Osiris", capital of the ninth nome of the Delta. The term Osiris is a Greek corruption of the Egyptian name Asar (Use, Usir). In the New Kingdom, in the funerary texts melts Ra, Osiris and the sun is dead and in Heracleopolis Magna, is called Osiris Naref. Another name by which he knows is Unnefer (which shows good "). "Prince of the gods of the Duat" as the god of death and the afterlife, though, at first agriculture was a god who was taken features of other gods cereals genius, spirit of vegetation and above all god of resurrection ; the Coffin Texts of the Middle Kingdom identify it with the grain and wheat, the symbol of the seed that dies to be reborn later spike. Embodied the renewal, the rebirth of the earth after the flood, Osiris died in the driest season and was reborn after the withdrawal of floodwaters, while Seth meanwhile reigned as chaotic god of the desert. Osiris represents everything that rises, but especially the Nile , symbol of regeneration and fertility, the god of flood involved the victory of the black earth, the fertile silt that is related, on areas influence of Seth , desert, arid land .. As stated in the Papyrus Chester Beatty: "Osiris is he who grows wheat and barley." In a New Kingdom anthem describes the god holding the world land and the Nile flood is nothing but the sweat of its members, the crops and the monuments erected by man weigh on your back without complaining of a big load, but sometimes the earth moves and shakes. On the other hand is a god-king, the classic iconography gives attributes of royalty: the crown atef the heqa, Atef, heqa, or scepter nails, and nejej, or scourge, symbols of supreme power. But sovereignty is real control the kingdom of the dead and received the title "Bull of the West " , being the West of the Hereafter. According to Plutarch, Osiris was the son of Nut and Geb , when Ra learned she was pregnant, told Nut that any month or any year would be separated from him by a stratagem, Thoth played Selene and won the seventh of light each day of the year, and so Osiris was born in 5 days, which did not belong to any month or year and are days epagómenos; mind that at the time of his birth there was a voice proclaiming that the God of creation was born. He became a mythical king of Egypt and was taught civilization through kindness and persuasion, taught men agriculture, established a code of laws and made men worship the gods, once civilized land, went to other countries to follow its teachings, leaving Isis as regent. Upon his return, Seth and his 72 companions made that Osiris was enclosed in a chest with his form, which closed immediately, he was cast into the Nile, in a place near Abydos called Nedyt , which led to their mouths tanaíticas up Byblos. Isis was looking for him and brought him back, but Seth found him and cut him into pieces, and scattered throughout Egypt. After rebuild his body, Isis conceived her child with him Horus, who avenged his death and banishing rule Egypt Seth to the desert. Osiris could not return to Earth and as such remains as the god of the underworld. When Horus identified with the living Pharaoh, when he dies he becomes Osiris, under whose form was worshiped. His successor, taking the title Son of Horus held and conducted funeral acts of this "new Osiris." In the Middle Kingdom all dead become transformed into Osiris, as it was a symbol of immortality. The immortality of Osiris was attributed in part to the art of embalming conducted by Anubis , partly Isis gave him the breath of life through their wings, and partly to Horus that hugged her father and gave him to eat the eye of Horus .

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Quality

Mother Mary - Manto

Mother Mary - Manto
Channeled by Paul ( )
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:40 am

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After Yeshua channeling energy in the chest and I was not going to leave the channel open in case there are some teachers more you want to say something.

"Thank you dear Paul for leaving the channel open.

As you get my energy is almost new to you, because they usually come to talk to you, not for nothing, but being a multi-channel as many of us who want to send messages that are of paramount importance and give way to them.

My son just leave a message for all the humility and just what I come to say is that I come to meet you all with my mantle and imagine my cloak wrapped in flashing light, like sparks of light and each of those sparks off each time more to his being.

children are protected, are light, are love, fear not. I love them and protect them. Thanks "

Why Is It Illegal To Drive Atv On The Road

Yeshua - not give scope to the dark

Yeshua - Do not give scope to the dark.
Channeled by Paul ( )
Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 10:20 a.m.

---- * Blog:
* Group: / group / pabblis

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Dearest Teachers, I connect again and I'm feeling the call of you in the chest, but I must admit I thought a couple of times before opening the channel since yesterday afternoon I had an experience not too good, it was not HORRIBLE, but it was not common.

(for which read ... yesterday in the evening I felt the call, connect cost me a lot and when I do not got nothing, like a vacuum, the images in my head were nothing, all dark and after a while I felt a strange sensation in the body to feel immediately after "CLOSE THE CHANNEL NOW" and I did)

I hope not yesterday the same thing happens, I open the channel and hope with love and readiness as ever.

"You did very well yesterday in closing the channel because the energy you were feeling is not the same energy and always feel that's why it was I who told you to close the channel, because it was not one of us.

If it is true that with such an influx of energy and with so much movement of the Earth in different positions doing daily to complete its cycle Gaia and get to the climb, every movement, every step you take our beloved Earth we meet and dealing with different types of energy, some more than others, but they are different, some receive them one way and others another, right or wrong. With so much energy there is much movement in 3D and there are a lot of movement here where we are, and if there is movement everywhere obviously also has to be movement in the dark where they live.

- I can ask a question, dear Yeshua?

- Yes as unwanted child.

- At some point I read the battle between darkness and light had already been completed and that the Light had won and that was on its last dark swipes of drowning, as I read sooo many times, but he had already won the light and the darkness was defeated ... What happened?

Therefore I come to speak, come to clarify.

At one point we had earned enough "land" on the dark, as always, any remaining light illuminates dark there floating around, but obviously the dark is always going to keep fighting.

At that time we had gained enough ground to the dark. Today with such an influx of energy, with much movement, with so much change that is happening on a global level, at ground level, at the star, everything is moving, we're all moving and the darkness too.

This is not to say that we achieved, but .. take the necessary precautions. EYE is very necessary to be cautious, but not the theme of "darkness" is the theme to speak.

You as channels have to be careful, the people themselves have to be careful, but this would not happen if everyone works in yourselves.

I repeat the same old thing and not a warning, it's just an example ... you see what happens when you do not work and because we on this side we say that are consistent with yourself and work with love, in love vibrate in harmony, without judging anyone.

If you work in love, live in light, but any dark comes and goes recognize what is going because you are powerful, because the light always shines through more infinite corner or point on any surface where there is darkness.

As I said, I do not want to spend all the time now talking about the dark because that way they are losing their center, they are focusing on one thing and focus are needed now yourselves.

This perfect to be aware and communicate this kind of thing, which is not right is that they are always talking in the dark, because that way we are giving way, we are opening a window.

all know that everything exists, everything is palpable, everything is close, all in the same place. The difference is that all there if we do part of what we are.

At some point we said we had gained enough ground to the dark, so much movement today we are all suffering the consequences of all that is happening.

The cards are on the table, brothers, YOU ... decide which card to take, if you keep talking and giving strength to the dark talking about it or warn but continue to work on yourself by sending messages and receiving messages love. You decide, as always, way to go. Whatever that path will always be guided by us, but do not give room for something that need not be - be in the mouth of you at this time.

all this I am aware that there is indeed Paul, yesterday you had a close experience a close contact with a power of darkness and that's why you cry you close the channel. The recognizable yourself, do not panic, I listened and closed your ready ... nothing happened.

That seems fine to me there has been so important. Although it was something very important, was not something that we have to give importance, because the more importance is given, the stronger it gets.

You can recognize what is right and what is wrong and you decide which way to go, do not give room for the dark because the more you talk about it the stronger it gets.

Work on you as now, continue to live in harmony, despite the everyday things 3D.

Sean beacons of light, shine, high vibrate, light, light, light not dark. Light is what you need to talk.

not to fear, to continue vibrating high, to continue loving and vibrating in love and light.

Protect yourself, feel that is what they do well and do not and you decide for a way forward, which makes them good or for not, but let's not give too much importance to something that is important but the SI more you talk about that "something" stronger is going to be and you know I'm talking about the dark.

Stand, feel enveloped in light and go through life light scattering, scattering power gloss, bright, imagine with Light, because the more enlightened they are, the less likely are the dark between, because the light always ends by turning the darkness.

That was my message today, thank you very much dear Paul Protect yourself but stay safe and not give more importance, not talk about things not worth giving the time it is worth you taking the time to vibrate love, light in harmony. COMMENT something like a simple "comment" the rest, the development of light is not darkness.

love you all, thanks for having me and thank you all for reading this message, I love you and keep working on you. "

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bob Marley Design Nails

Yeshua - NO SHARE afraid

Yeshua - DO NOT be afraid
Channeled by Paul ( )
Monday 8 February 2010 - 11.30am

* Blog:
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was coming to a quiet place to have to make a question and see if he received any response to this "blessed" that forwards email on Sunday and now I'm starting to feel the call to you, so if is a message they want to send and light, here I am to receive, after receiving the message you want to send me like, if possible, ask some questions regarding this email.

'm waiting with all the love and willingness and I always help me by sending images to my head with the name of Master of Light and Light just want to send the message.

(long pause) ... I have trouble connecting ... I try to raise the vibration but the feeling in the chest is getting stronger so I'm waiting and please if you can try to lose more . (Long pause)

"Dear brother. As you feel my energy that surrounds you and envelops you, which starts in the chest and continues throughout your body, I am Yeshua, for all who are reading and can not feel my energy.

cost you is that this time, but not to worry. Is busy spinning around and around the world and the influx of energy that has long been talking about that.

This time I come to clarify and answer the question that I did with Pablo about changes and events that will happen very soon.

know the date and, although change is occurring, as you can see, now.

Everyone knows that there will be changes on the planet and the land where every one of you are living today. They also know that we have been saying for a long time to work on yourself, because only they will continue to Gaia in his ascension all those pure of heart and mind, because to live in the 5D the base is that, living with and from the heart, live in pure love, without judging, loving our neighbor as we have been saying forever.

People who are not going up does not have to fear. As I said in some time, the paralyzing fear, fear does make things darker than a human being can have and is like an open window to the "dark" can make and break your way and as they please.

explain how to make it clear enough?. People will not follow in his ascension Gaia need not fear, for death (as you call it) is not something to take to fear. Death is simply a state, is a step, an end to the cycle of life they are living in that body, but everyone knows that your inner self, your soul, as you are told, never dies, it is simply where to learn and to make and nurture good things that come to humans and the body where they are living and in life they are carrying.

People going to happen on this side of the veil, will be reborn in the new Gaia, the new Earth, in the highly purified and coveted beautiful Gaia.

Some, who have already decided before entering the body where you are now, they will continue the process of ascension. going to see, they will live, will experience all that the rise implies.

Those who decided not to upload, not accompany Gaia in his ascension, they are not the slightest doubt that they will be in the new Gaia, perhaps in another body, perhaps in another time , but you will always be the same.

no fear, just need to be vigilant and have to work on yourself as we have been saying forever.

Those who remain will see and experience things, those who do not need not fear because they will go to another level, they will wait on that other plane and will drop in another body, but being yourself. Always the essence of the Creator, that dot of light that the Creator made each of you will always remain with you, no matter the time, the bodies or the place, you'll always be you, it is important remember who they are, the important thing is to work on you to be better people today and to develop all the skills to experience everything that has to be experienced and learned at that moment they are living.

There is nothing in what alarmed, there is nothing to fear because no matter what everyone will see and will be in the new Gaia. Some during the process and others when the process is complete, so there is nothing to fear.

works in you to be better people and to be pure and clean for when the time comes to accompany Gaia.

modes and forms and you know, want to believe or not, they will have support of many people outside of your galaxy, but EVERY ONE OF YOU decided which way to go before they in life where they are now. If you decided to go to Gaia during his trial or if they decided to be on Gaia after the process is complete.

The list of those who do not rise and is not definitive because people are still waking up and still working, that's the way ... working on you, that's the work and mission more important and more difficult I have to learn, no matter what happens.

YOU are the beacons of light, YOU are the most important thing and we Gaia at this time not left to be conquered, not afraid.

I hope that answers your question and for all with this message. Thanks for calling me, not afraid to keep working. "

Rca Crcu6601wm Remote

who channeled channeling CARMEN JESUS \u200b\u200b- THE NAZARENE

SHARE channeling a colleague about what I posted Sunday. Greetings and if is something more .... I'm going.
I apologize if it caused panic or questions regarding the article. I got many questions and doubts which I can not answer because it was just a forward. It was not my intention to create what was generated ... The idea was to take it as "something more" to take into account.
pipeline If I have, I notice

---- Paul Di Capua
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JESUS \u200b\u200b- The Nazarene.

Carmen RR -

08/02/2010 – 01:16                                                                                                  

Dear Teacher, I know I have asked for an answer, an opinion following the message that Paul has posted on the network. Please, if you light my channel open with all the love and all the confidence in the Creator. I pray to St. Michael to protect me and my dear angel wrap me in your energy and help me raise me.

If you are of light and identify yourself as stated, I am here to receive your message.

"Here I am dear daughter, dear sister, I am Jesus.

been feeling while ago and actually come to answer these questions, but not exactly in the way that you would also like.

know we do not like to date especially if the events are expected as large magnitude. Part of your ascension process believing, hoping, to keep faith in the Creator.

None of us will tell whether these events will occur to those who have spoken. None of us, I repeat, I will speak in those terms about tragedies and misfortunes of this magnitude.

We will speak from love, and it is true that changes have to give not know yet how it will be, because we all try to protect you the most. The beloved Earth wants maximum protection to each of their children, even the most evil and heinous. Everything will proceed as stated.

Those who are awake must not fear anything, because that fear is filtered in the dark and you are light are human torches and you will not fall, you can not afford to leave shaken, or crushed by the news much you get to be as dramatic as possible to you.

sister Listen, open your heart because this is important:

None of us are going to scare you .

know that I love you and protect.

is true that the Earth's geophysical processes should give, is true that there is a change in polarity, is true that there is a change at the cosmic level. It is also true that you are the planet's most beloved souls who are most revered and honored by the difficulty of your mission there.

All you have to do is keep learning around you, and individually, and not carried away by such ambiguous information and generate so much uncertainty.

that can happen or not is yet to decide, you know that you can create the future, you know that the power is.

I know you think that there are many people who will be reawakened, but also say that many more people who are in the process.

You seem tired, so I will end this message by telling you that envelop the planet in all the love, in a cloud of love energy and you to go to work internally at the level of each and improving your feeling, your do with others because that is how it expands and so love is like really change things.

This was my explanation to your question. I leave you with love, as always.

I am Jesus of Nazareth . "

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Suspension For Polaris Snowmobile

safe place after the "tragedy"

share and forward this to I arrived and as it says in the email, not to alarm you or anything ... just to read and draw the conclusions yourself ...

Gladys Thanks for sharing this with us!

From: Gladys Perez [mailto:]
Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2010 22:59

Hi Paul, I received this mail is not very encouraging to say, what is not taken into account here is the "help" that may come from superior beings should this become necessary. I live in Avellaneda, if not feel an urgency to get out of here, we do not do anything.

Date: Sat, February 6, 2010 17:06:37 -0500
I do not comment, only present the information as I have taken from the Zeta Talk site.
Everyone can draw their own conclusions. It is too alarmist? Is this the future that awaits us? We trust this information? THAT WOULD BE SO PREPARED, LIVING IN OUR FANTASY BUBBLE? Think that what happened in Haiti, it can happen to us? This is the challenge .....

Waterfront site where new land will emerge from the bottom of the Atlantic, between the extremes of South America and Africa, at the time that the Antarctic plate is raised to accommodate the pressure between the Pacific plate at the time of displacement of the poles, Argentina will be assaulted by a huge mass of water moving trying to find his . The invasion of water pounce on the coast, under the immense pressure that a large volume of water can exert. Not be just a big wave, but a huge body of water of great height, which therefore take longer to travel. Push water deep inland, not stopping at the foot of the mountains or vast plains that otherwise would have presented obstacles or delayed the movement water. The large volume of water seeking its level find an effect of flow acceleration, where the waters make their way through the mountains, or climb above the low-lying hills, destroying any structure built by humans. Used to look like flowing normally calm waters from the mountains to the sea, dividing by the surrounding fields each time there has been a flood, or the gentle rhythm of the tides that rise and fall, people have no concept of force and the devastating power of an immense amount of water in motion.

Those who intend to survive in Argentina, especially along the coast, should readily recognize that the hills around the coast represent a danger zone and move inland to get to the tops of the highest mountains they can find, if you really want to survive. The slopes of the Cordillera de los Andes, Neuquén areas or the mountains of Córdoba, represent safe areas to escape the Atlantic deep invasion along the coast, but still be exposed to the process of mountain building and elevation terrain effect caused by compression in the Pacific sector. In this sense, the mountains of Cordoba are less likely, located further away from the Continental Divide area. After the event, in the new position that Argentina should take with respect to Ecuador, who are in Argentina enjoy a uniformly mild climate, with continued access to the sea fishing, which will be very productive when crops fail

Buenos Aires

Today Buenos Aires is a place blessed with an ideal location on a resource-Costa Rica, near the mouth of a great river, surrounded by rich farmland, and access to the mountains with only 1 day's march. Much of this event remain the same after the transfer of poles, and the weather will remain very similar to the current climate. So why Buenos Aires is not a good place to address the event, nor to establish the event last? The waters will behave erratically, getting up and slamming the coast in this sector since long before the event. When rotation stops, the ocean waters will flow from the equator to the poles. And during the event itself of the shift, we predict that a new earth, in fact a new continent, will emerge from the bottom of the sea off the southern tip of South America, just north of Antarctica. This phenomenon shifted a huge amount of water in any direction obstacle that faces the new continent, a powerful raiding the coasts. Those on the coast or on low hills will be faced with a huge tsunami that will penetrate inland roaring and explosive to the same foot of the mountains. Those who wish to survive must penetrate into the mountains, deep inside and up, until the tide stop behaving erratically and regain your peace of mind, several days after the shift. Buenos Aires also suffer when the existing poles melt, within two years following the pole shift, raising the sea level at about 200 - 215 meters. This phenomenon only inundate many areas Buenos Aires neighbors and many residential areas, forcing the survivors to concentrate on some sectors and too congested and at risk of famine. Then tempers ignite and explode disputes and struggles for survival, with the final result of the survival of a few


Bolivia is sitting on the heart South American plate, on ancient rock solid and not prone to fracture. Will be raised slightly higher still, and its new Latitude will not be much new Ecuador away from what is today, after the shift. Thus, the survivors continue leading a life very similar to the present. The sun will rise from a different place, and the heavens will be a bit dark due to the presence of volcanic ash, which will surprise the rustic mountain dwellers. But being above the lower atmosphere, where the volcanic dust is stalled, it has its advantages, and its inhabitants may occasionally enjoy a clear day. Life will be harder, as elsewhere, due to low vegetation, but those accustomed to live a simple life find the way forward, in better condition than those who today enjoy the easy life of cities. The inhabitants of rural areas of Bolivia survive
La Paz

Separated from the Amazon basin on the one hand, and distant from the coast on the other, La Paz is a city shelter after the event. Bolivia is a relatively poor country, where there are no stores or shelters for people. This will inevitably lead to the fight for every little piece of food that can be found in restaurants or stores, or arguments for a place to shelter from the rain while the homeowners are spending the night under a collapsed roof or inside a room semi-destroyed. Just as quickly that people are stranded in fights after the event, not counting the resources or forces beyond what hunger and outdoor life has left them, disputes soon disappear, and the survivors gradually come together and settle to build a new life. The information will be a benefit accruing to receive refugees coming from all directions, and that the information transmitted by word of mouth is the only news source you can count on. Will be a catastrophe that will affect everyone, and life in any place where we turn, can never be much better

Brazil will suffer during the coming pole shift and after the event, not only for its proximity to the future Earth's North Pole, but also because it will be invaded by sea water from from the south, at the time that new areas emerge from the depths of the sea between the corners of Africa and South America. Since the water displaced by these emerging areas have to go to some place, the waters rush northward, covering all the lowlands in their path. The body of water rushes up the coast through small coastal hills and low valleys pouring into the interior, which for some time will become a true inland sea. The inhabitants of the hills near the sea must properly assess the meaning and the projection of this phenomenon, fleeing inland early localized in places of higher altitude they can find, they are also protected from strong winds, to avoid being swept high and unstoppable tide that enters the swirling waves and then retire back to the sea. At the time of the shift, the terrified survivors will find themselves in a difficult situation, first with the water moving over the surrounding hills, then spilling over the surrounding valley, and eventually pulling out to sea by the river basins are dragging everything. The hills and uplands of southern Brazil were above sea level after the event, and will not be part of the process of mountain building during the event. Like the salt flats of Utah in the United States, the ancient rock solid and highly stable in the province of Parana is also resistant to fracturing during the shift

Accustomed to a warm nature, survivors the North Brazil Current is shocked to find be trembling cold, as their lands will move from a sub-tropical position into the new polar circle. Customers are located inland, in areas high above the floods caused by heavy rains or invasion of the sea that the Amazon basin is likely to suffer, they will find a more moderate climate, not so different from what they lived in the past

Sao Paulo

The state of Sao Paulo is ideally situated after the shift, with a constant temperate climate and easy access to fishing Tues But during the time of the shift, those who wish to survive must go to the tallest point on the mountains of the sector. Our general recommendation addressed to 160 km inland and be about 70 feet above sea level does not apply to areas destined to suffer the brunt of huge swells. At the time of the shift will narrow significantly the Pacific, and our analysis of the weaknesses of the crust indicate that the Antarctic plate must be lifted, sparking the emergence of new land from the sea in the area located between ends of Africa and South America. The water displaced by this rise will move away in all directions Lashing the Atlantic coast of South America with a huge body of water under pressure. In this type of tsunami, according to those who have witnessed, not behave like normal waves, because the water climb over any obstacle in order to remove the pressure that comes back. This water in motion retain their momentum, despite the effect of gravity. This means that those seeking shelter from the winds in the nearby hills will see a huge wall of roaring water that comes from the coast, around them and then stands over them and dragging. Even the highest points near the coast will be overwhelmed by water. It is necessary to analyze the topography, to find those points which are located fairly high but inside the territory, as the force of the water reaches attenuated by terrain obstacles, where there is a drainage channel that allows water to circulate without reaching the highest point. Since also expect the effect of powerful hurricanes in the time of the shift, those who seek to survive, they must be well anchored to the ground to avoid being dragged

Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais is located on a relatively protected from high waves that hit the Atlantic coast, driven by water displacement product of the emergence of new land between the extremes of South America and Africa. Here is our general recommendation applies to travel about 160 km inland and positioned about 70 feet above sea level, to avoid the effects of high tsunami. However, Minas Gerais climate change from tropical or sub-tropical climate to a near-polar, since the new North Pole will be located across the corner of Brazil. Just as today we take a globe and measuring the distance between the North Pole and Alaska or Siberia, that distance should be applied between the future North Pole, a little more out of the corner of Brazil, and the state of Minas Gerais. This will be their new climate. Consequently, those who are saved from the waves and the cataclysms sheltering in huts of wood or underground shelters, soon perish from cold if they are unprepared to face this kind of weather


Goias not only will be safe from the waves that attack the Atlantic coast facing the Atlantic or to the Antarctic, but also remain above the new sea level resulting from the polar ice caps melt . The Amazon basin will be flooded, permanently, and will freeze the entire sector that is positioned within the new northern polar circle. Consequently, there is some degree of danger to the territory bordering the Amazon basin, to be carried away by the waters that poured over the Amazon basin without other way, emptying on lands that are not yet frozen. This new large inland lake fishing facilities offer never before seen by the inhabitants of Goias. The big problem is climate change, which will turn the region into a cold area, so that survivors must be prepared for cold weather, and study, for example, how the people of Canada do to work in this climate. The local wildlife also suffer the effects of new climate


The Pernambuco state lies on the tip of Brazil, and thus be close to the point where should position the new North Pole. Planet 12 passing between the Earth and the Sun, the South Pole to the North rises as it passes the planet. So, after experiencing a long hot day during the week of stopping the rotation of the earth, the inhabitants of Pernambuco that the temperature will drop steadily. It is possible to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow cold the weather will be watching how the current climate in Antarctica or in the northern polar circle. Unless they are prepared to face that kind of weather, preparation is now almost impossible to believe tropical Pernambuco residents, they will freeze or perish of cold very quickly. The best plan for them would be moved to the Andes, above the lowlands become a large inland bay when the ice caps melt. A move as expensive as this should not be left to the last minute, when panic and disorientation will prey for all travelers


Chile ranks high along the coast of South America. But precisely because of its high cliffs is that the assault of the sea will be unexpectedly high during the shift. The waters have no where to flow, so that the pressure of the mass of water behind the wave will push to climb over obstacles in its path. This phenomenon in the case of Chile is of short duration, only a few hours. But hard enough to flood the valleys near the coast. Any of these valleys will be flooded, not only because the barrier mountain to protect it is low, but because when the water penetrate more sectors where low hills, also tend to seek lower ground. Thus, in many cases you will see that the waters appear to come from inland. For those living in areas near the sea and along the coast, where water has nowhere to go but climb over any obstacle, it would be best that they went into the mountains and positioned at a height of thousands of meters , and wait a couple of days before returning to their homes. Thus, their homes may be flooded, but they do not perish


Chile has offshore areas and coastal areas, there being a vast territory between them. Fisheries and agriculture in the valleys are the main sources of food. After the shift, where the waters rush roaring on costs and climb over the coastal barriers, and earthquakes that struck the planet destroyed the bridges and roads will be cut by the collapse of the surrounding mountains as high susceptible to movements of the ground, live in isolation. The weather will remain mild, with excellent fishing. Suffer will be those whose activities are dependent on communications with other areas, or transporting goods in and out, or have easy lives, and accommodated. As happens with all those used to living an easy life, over those who must daily work up their hands and shoulders are sore and do not depend on anyone else's work to survive, those who are accustomed to living a comfortable life will powerless to settle any of their stupid services and tech toys, and may starve. The old patriarchal social systems and structures, and essentially slavery of the working classes exerted by the rich, will be completed, and who intend to return to these old systems will not be heard


Colombia represents the highlands where the frantic survivors attend the collapse of Central America during the shift . Because Panama is now the point where the water flows between the Pacific and the Caribbean, is a bridge that will fall rapidly in the time of pole shift. However, all those survivors who are clinging to a floating element will be carried by currents to the coasts of Colombia, yearning to be rescued and find food and shelter. Thus, to a greater extent than neighboring countries, during the shift Colombia will become a field hospital for refugees from other nations. also from the Amazon basin, migration of people will go to seek higher ground. Because the sector is flooded Amazon for a couple of years after the shift, both human and animal populations will be moving to other places. Then the highlands of Colombia will be a very interesting site, where there will be any kind of conflict after the event . The drug wars, which have often dominated the scene in Colombia, will be nonexistent, since traffic will be impossible. However, drugs are still used to mitigate the horror of the situation by those who follow this path. As in all countries of the world, after the event will be a gradual change people's orientation toward service to others, where the supplies will be shared between them, and where an attitude of mutual aid will take place now occupied by groups trying to rise above the other in search of prestige and power. Of course, this is a change that takes several decades to become apparent, as Colombia will continue for some time being a country where largely dominates the firepower


On the highlands of Colombia, Bogotá is a place where there are constant struggles between groups vying for power. The government constantly fighting the drug cartels and rebels who seek to exercise power, while many U.S. trafficking groups also participate by providing local funds to the extent that they are useful. How this situation will change when it happens the camber of poles? First, no communications, since cell, radio and television are dead, and they all depend on these resources to plan their actions. Second, roads, bridges and railroad tracks are shattered, smashed the runways, and helicopters also destroyed by the hurricane force winds. Third, all groups except the government can see in the destruction an opportunity to seize power and attempt to do so. Then, Bogotá is subject to repeated changes in the control group, where this or that warlord control is declared in the country, while the rest of the country has no interest in what happens in Bogotá

Ecuador mounted on top of the Andes and faces the Pacific. Be enclosed in the mountain building process that must occur safely in the next shift in the Pacific Ocean as the narrows, and the assault of the Pacific waters of moves during the week of rotation stoppage and also during the shift. The frightened inhabitants of Ecuador feel they have nowhere to go in search of safety. The great tsunami that hit the coast at the time of the shift will who want to survive are directed inwards and return to their homes near the coast when the bloody event has passed. Active volcanoes, and also those who now sleep will react with a tremendous roar and sending lava spewing volcanic ash that will remain in the atmosphere and the Andes as a heavy coat for several decades after the event, where the western area (now South) bears the brunt. However, the coastline will remain very similar to the present, since the lifting of the ground by the effect of mountain building will offset the increase in sea level caused by melting the poles. Those coastal cities now stand hundreds of feet above the waves, you'll find many of them over the sea, where fishing is a food source for the survivors of the event. The coastal zone is the key to survival in the dark decades after the shift, as the gardens will not be productive, while the sea was filled with life and be successful. The weather will remain very similar to the present, almost as close to new as it is today Ecuador. Those who intend to survive should be located about 160 km, or better yet, some 320 km away from any volcano that could erupt, and return to shore after the pole shift when favorable conditions are observed


Never in the history haunted by the sea when the waves grow Spain will find that this land once considered safe because it is not. At the time of the shift, the expansion of Atlantic Spain will pull down an average of 17 meters, so that the costs will be inundated by high tides, and water penetrate into the interior through river basins. Many flee to the mountains of northern Spain, but due to the widening of the Atlantic high part of these territories will sink, and who are there were piled on the peaks that still sticks out of the water, with nowhere to go. Be found on islands, looking over a wide expanse of water towards the Alps, but also full of desperate people who climbed up there while the lowlands disappeared under the invasion of water, and heading to Africa, which should be the best alternative when it comes to choosing a place to migrate to a less populated. Because of its relatively large land mass, Africa will be almost completely over water, even after the polar caps melt and sea level rises in about 215 meters across the world


Madrid will have to live the horror of seeing how the oceans and seas surrounding Spain rush on the city, roaring swirling, climbing over obstacles or on the beds of rivers, first from one direction and then from the opposite direction, and at times from both directions simultaneously, since the scope of a body water depends on its mass and depth. The confusion will be widespread, particularly among those who did not report the event come, as residents rushed over the hills near or above the ceiling, only to then be washed away. The only security can be found on the highest peaks of northern Spain, away from water crossflow

Canary Islands

planted Canary Islands offshore over the Atlantic, so close to the current line of Ecuador and to the future, enjoying a delightful climate and sea breezes. Storms are your only concern, and the storms will his big problem during the shift. Surrounded by sea, and without any qualms, the islands will be swept away by massive waves crashing into the ocean as it moves on to and from the poles and in and out of the Mediterranean. Hurricane force winds will be unleashed on the islands with full force, so that those seeking refuge from the encroachment of the sea over the tops of the hills, will be destroyed by the winds. Those who wish to survive should be advised to go elsewhere and stay there until long after the event happened. Be that the volcano La Palma, already weakened from a long time, experience an earthquake and collapse into the sea before it reaches the pole shift, causing a huge tsunami? It has long been postulated that the Canary Islands are fragile and collapse into the sea to the next earthquake occur, creating a tsunami. This is just an absurd human theory. . A landslide on the sea will not make a body of water travel across the ocean, but rather a gap over which water will rush to fill it. So what should happen is a large funnel of water on which precipitates the water to fill, then leave him with only local effect

Mediterranean Islands

The islands of the Mediterranean sea in the shift will also be moving as any other large body of water, be swept away by the sea, often from several different directions simultaneously, hitting at the top of each island, sweeping all the islands and any human who has been stationed in places even higher. Normally assault coastal waters from one direction. But small Mediterranean islands are sometimes in the middle of a collision between different body of water. And when the waters have nowhere to go, go up. They thus heights astound mankind has never seen or present life in all its history or anything like it. Those who witnessed these surveys of water in remote past, simply drowned


Mexico in general will do well during the shift, as subducting plates are more a problem for the West Coast of Canada and the United States for Mexico , fractured plates exist in the Central American area that can absorb shock. While much of Mexico should remain intact after the shift, those areas adjacent to Central America will experience the same destruction from the intersection of fault lines and the collapse of the tectonic plates, which experience Central America and the Caribbean. When large tectonic plates are moving, crashing into one another, smaller plates are crushed. Mexico has the additional insurance that Central America will disappear under the water to narrow the Pacific, with these Central American small plates that absorb the impact from large plates that surround them, as the point of least resistance. The most convenient would be to stay in the central sector of Mexico

The desert and semi-desert into Mexico, which usually suffer from lack of water when the winds of West burst bringing some moisture to the area, will change its climate. Abundant vegetation flourish here after the event, have changed the climate, which is then tempered and relatively close to the new line of Ecuador. Having a new points oceans north and south, there will be plenty of rainfall and ancient deserts bloom. However, as in any other country, Mexico will need to take some precautions in choosing a safe place within Mexico. As in any other country, will be necessary to avoid the vicinity of active and dormant volcanoes, staying at a distance of at least 160 km of them. However, the volcanic activity that currently plague the South of Mexico will move to the Far East of the future Mexico, bursting in distant areas instead of moving on the ground. The shoreline should be avoided, staying at least about 320 km inland and about 70 meters high, to avoid flooding from the sea

Mexico City

Mexico City must endure great suffering during the shift, due to the proximity of the great volcano Popocatepetl, one of the most active volcanoes, and other volcanoes in the vicinity . Due to the narrowing of the Pacific, and the collapse of small plates of Central America and the Caribbean to be the weakest link, the magma underneath the Mexican territory is in motion and under pressure. Magma will also seek the weakest link, which in this case it certainly will be any active volcano. The entry and exit roads to Mexico City will be impassable, while millions of people enclosed in the city perish as a result of toxic fumes and hot ashes. A real holocaust. Very few survive in that city, and those who survive are sick from poisoning with smoke and ashes. Those who wish to survive must seek refuge in the deserted plains, far from the coast and the volcanoes, and putting distance between themselves and the boards that collapse of Central America


Guadalajara, near the west coast of Mexico, now enjoys the closeness of the sea. But this very closeness will source Although for residents during the pole shift. Pacific narrows, widens the Atlantic and Central America collapses, creating a much larger stream which currently allows the Panama Canal. The water will jump from the Pacific to the Atlantic, roaring along the coast of Mexico on its way to your destination. A mass of rapidly moving water can be pushed upwards, curling and invading the coast in the form of a large tsunami, to relieve the pressure, reaching the gates of Guadalajara. We present something more than just a flood. The waters swept rampant with everything in its path. After event coasts from Guadalajara will be under water due to the rise in sea level caused by melting icecaps. In return, Guadalajara will close access to the sea, where there will be plenty of fishing. The rain will be plentiful, allowing some harvest of darkness, with a temperate climate much like the current

Baja California

While the waters of the seas are stirred and ruffled pounce on the coasts, peninsulas bear the brunt. In those places collisions occur between large bodies of water, creating situations never occur on the coasts of the territories have a single normal side exposed to water contact and therefore are exposed to a flow of water coming from one direction. A peninsula, and especially a narrow peninsula where there is virtually no high areas, not just be swept over the whole surface when the seas pounce on it, but also will be at a point where different water bodies in motion collide. How does this happen? By narrowing the Pacific, Baja is first swept by waters from the Pacific, which then precipitate on the mainland having been attenuated to some extent bypass the obstacle represented by the Baja peninsula. But then the waters recede seeking its lowest level, and return on the peninsula. On this return trip to Baja, which is a bit slower into account the effect of attenuation introduced before its first pass over Baja, are facing against new water masses from the Pacific from where the water who retire do so more frequently. Similarly, the devastation in tall buildings in a city by seismic has largely originated from the different structural oscillation frequency of buildings of different heights, in relation to the frequency of earthquakes. They rush against each other. During the recession of the waters after the shift, Baja will find not only waters that are being recalled in both directions, but with masses of water come from both directions, and raising up against each other over territories of the peninsula. Here the ground is repeatedly swept through the waters, and nothing can survive


surrounding Chihuahua Deserts are tropical and fertile in the future, but the re -hydration of deserts is a process that takes some time. Not only months or years, not decades, to come to bloom. The desert not only been subjected to a calcination process, but also suffer from a lack of bacteria and humus, needed to assist the growth of plant life. Calcined and water, much of the land is lifeless and without topsoil moisture or points that capture rain water, runoff water will clean the area even more of all traces of soil and humus, in the first past years after the event. Sectors will be formed gradually moisture accumulation at points where there is no runoff, where fertile material gradually deposited. This process can be helped by man, by the erection of rock dams, prevent water runoff. Slowly reach new fauna and flora that populate the wet areas and water wells, thus beginning the formation of a sub-tropical region. During the shift, the biggest concern of the inhabitants of Chihuahua and the surrounding area will be the amount of people coming from more populated areas, from Mexico, who reported late on event's coming and run away north to be safe from volcanoes. It is unlikely that these sudden migrants remain in areas that are now deserted, and is likely to continue their journey into the United States to regions from which they had heard comments from family and friends who worked in the United States. Consequently, travelers are not settlers, who will be the biggest concern for the surviving inhabitants in the area of \u200b\u200bChihuahua


Peru is installed on the heights of the Andes , and mounted higher after the shift due to its position above the subduction zone where tectonic plates of the Pacific Ocean are dipping below the continent that is undergoing a process of mountain building. The increase in height causes the air is rarefied enough element already known by many Peruvians, and because of the transient atmospheric tear caused by atmospheric explosions at times of the polar shift, this can lead to suffocation in the localities most cans. Along the coast there is a risk of large tsunamis, as the mass of water moving under pressure has nowhere to go and climb over obstacles in its path. Then the interior valleys are sites that offer the best odds for survival at the turn of poles. After the event, Peru was also under a temperate climate, lying in parallel position above the new line of Ecuador, with close access to the sea fishing is very productive in the years following the shift, and where seaweed growth will be facilitated by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. The native of Peru suffered before abandoned and exploited by the ruling classes, but now faces only the difficulties of a hard life and hard, survive


Venezuela and other countries bordering the Caribbean and Central America should try to avoid the volcanic highlands and seek to address the event of displacement of the poles, as the Caribbean and Central America will collapse crushed by the collision of tectonic plates is verified during the shift, making way for the flood waters rush into the Pacific and the Atlantic with ease. The rapid disappearance of the Caribbean plates create a sudden compression of water over the plates, which will not go. By narrowing the Pacific Ocean, a clear path has been the collapse of Central America allows Pacific waters powerful rush of the Atlantic, its speed increased by the narrow passage that opened for them. The inhabitants of the coasts of neighboring countries to this horrible nightmare to be moved inland and look deeply highlands far beyond our normal recommendation of about 160 km inland and about 200 meters above sea level Tues The further inside, the better. Otherwise the nightmare will fall upon you


During the shift Venezuelan cities such and Caracas will find suddenly invaded by a body of water that can not escape. With the tightening dramatically widen the Pacific and Atlantic, the waters rush through Central America to fill the void in the Atlantic. There will be a benign tsunami, a simple wave that rises slowly allowing those who are on their way to seek an element of float or climb into a boat. Not even be waves, which rush upon the inhabitants, and which allow many of them appreciate the distance the wave height and run to higher places. The power, the fury and speed of moving water can be now estimated by the image of a violent flood that poured into the sea, or water pressure that allows the fire hose can shoot a great distance. Still, it is possible that our estimate falls short. The speed and force of moving water depends on the weight of the water coming back, which seeks its own level. In the case of the tremendous difference between the Pacific and the Atlantic, at the moment of shift, the weight is simply immense. Thus, the coasts bordering the stream of water will meet the violence of its wake, suddenly curling in a wave whose height will horrify those who believe have positioned high enough. Those who intend to survive on the coast of Venezuela, in fact have no chance of survival. Loas cities will be destroyed, uprooted from its own foundations, and dragged into the cold waters of the Atlantic to become the bottom sediments. The death by drowning is inevitable

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