Thursday, March 18, 2010

3 Sisters With Autism

Yeshua - Revolution

Yeshua - Revolution
Channeled by Paul ( )
Thursday 18 de Marzo de 2010 - 8.45 a.m.
Queridos Maestros, esta vez abro el canal voluntariamente ya que ayer había empezado a recibir un mensaje pero no pude seguir porque empezo a llegar gente al lugar donde estaba. Pido mis disculpas y me conecto para ver si hay algun Maestro de la Luz y solo de la luz quiera enviar un mensaje.
Como siempre, pido si puede ser posible, que me manden imagenes a mi cabeza con el nombre y/o descripción del mensaje.
Veo la palabra Revolución y es lo mismo que ví ayer cuando iba a canalizar así que I'll shut up and wait ...
"Hello my dear channel, see if this time you receive the message that started yesterday, but how are you in a place where you can rest assured we had to close the connection, you tried other times and that is why I stay waiting, but it was not possible and not want to worry, everyone here knows to understand what each of you is happening and we are always with you. To all who read'm Yeshua.

The message yesterday was that brought them on the revolution that everyone is feeling one degree or another every being has, so to speak, an apparent reason to be revolutionized, either by the problems of 3D or whatever.

That revolution they are feeling, you say it's the everyday things that have to live is also due to the energies that are being handled on Planet Earth right now.

As I said to this channel is a large influx of incoming energy into our beloved Gaia and the revolution internal due in large part to this energy.

Everything is revolutionizing revolutionizing and everything will go more and more as each one of you are making an internal change in every way, physically, mentally and at the global level. Everything has to be accommodated, as is accommodating Gaia, obviously she's movements are more noticeable because as a large mass the most minuscule movement that can make an impact on cities and people.

Everything moves inside, in their minds, work in their countries, their economies and could list a lot of words, but you all know and VEN, above all things, that these changes, these revolutions are in plain view, I have come to tell me so they are going.

What I am going to say is to try to stay as calm as possible ... I know it's complicated and difficult in these times call for calm when the other side I am saying all this revolutionized, but despite the speed of ANY KIND must not forget the love above all things.

need light, we need love, we need to vibrate in harmony despite the incoming energies to the planet.

is at this moment where we all are going to see fight for what they always ask for the love, humility, this is the great battle that must be overcome.

Gánenle the incoming energy ... which is not bad ... but strong and necessary, but its power makes you and every tiny little thing there is revolutionizing the Creator, but all will return to its normal course when all they often find their complete energy to accommodate as well.

Everything is new and all have to get used to, but I came today to say that although they can feel the revolution today must not forget love, peace ... because for most they are moved some of its central axis due to these energies, love must always prevail over all things.

This is the message I wanted send today. Thanks Paul for writing so fast and fluid make this post. We will come back with more ... but if we return does not mean that we abandon .. Never do that, simply because you have to work on things that they are saying and if the torment with messages ... fail to accept one that must already be working in another.

were told that they were difficult times, but everyone will be able to cope as best as possible, simply trust, love and live in peace and harmony.

I love and am always and will be next to each one of you have only to call me that I'm there. Much love and light to all my brothers. "

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