Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Numbness In The Right Arm

Yeshua - Yeshua

Yeshua - Waves of energy.
Channeled by Paul ( pabblis@gmail.com )
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 9 am

I'm alone in the office ... I do not know how much longer, but I'm feeling a strong point in the chest ... which I'm glad because it means there is a message that someone wants to convey and I love to receive.

try to raise my vibration breathing as deeply as possible ... I ask you please try to lose as much as possible and that this message I will write because I can not get where I am I hope you can understand.

I also ask that you please send me pictures at the top with the name or the summary of the message to send, provided it is a being and a message of light.

'm waiting with much love ... I see in my head the phrase POWER SURGES ...

"Dear brother, you already know who I am, but for those who read my name is Yeshua and embrace with all my heart and unconditional love.

The message that come to pass through Paul today is to warn that new energy Waves are coming to the planet and that is why you will begin to feel physical and mental changes.

All this is normal, do not think that something unusual is happening and they run to the doctor, obvious that if necessary they can go ... but what I come to notice is that these mental and physical changes are due to grand entrance in the form of a giant wave of energy that is entering the planet Earth for the great activity that your solar system is taking place in this last time, also the Great Central Sun has a lot to do with it.

As you all know everything is being rearranged and the solar system cycle is coming to zero, then with every movement to occur in the galaxy, new energies move and this time it's our beloved Gaia receive these energies.

You will feel tired and at times will notice that it can not focus his thoughts and concentration, this is pure and quite normal, there is fear, not afraid to changes ..

just the body reacts to the new post of energy and as new to all of you ... must be getting used to it and the body and mind have to take time to assimilate ... so do not be afraid.

probably going to notice inattention, poor concentration and need for rest, all this mental level. Physically feel some pain in the legs, waist and back, some feel headaches ... this is normal, just give yourself time and give your mind and body to accommodate this new energy ... to be attuned to this new wealth of information that is being sent because of planetary motion.

Be attentive to every physical and mental changes that occur in these days, because all that is due to the wave as I said earlier, incoming power. Accept it, embrace it and feel worthy to receive ... it is for you ... it is to be accommodated and timed to take the final leap that this coming ever faster.

Have faith that all who are willing to accept these changes consciously or unconsciously they will take the plunge at the end of time ( pause) I would put it that way to see ... times would not ... say ... at the end of the cycle ... this cycle is being performed and, as I said in a previous post in this channel, all chose to come to watch.

Be patient, be tolerant and Accept one as they are, with pain and physical and mental discomfort, because this is just a process rather than your body needs to accommodate their DNA to be completely fit and pure to live in what's next, which is really wonderful and beautiful.

not be afraid to changes, do not panic if there are more earth movements ... are things that all elected and must go.

Thanks Paul for writing this post, and I have to leave because the people coming to your office. THANKS again to you and all who read and préstense attention, things happen for something ... do not be afraid that the pain will gradually eroding. Be patient, love and have positive thoughts PLEASE.

I send all my light and my love, I love you. Yeshua. "

(5 minutes after maintenance came to fix a drawer of a desk)


---- * Blog: http://mensajesmaestros.blogspot.com
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