Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Electric Box 1 Solution 19

Extract IMPERSONAL life items Empty

Dear friends / readers
As all have noticed for some channelers messages are stopped, I'm not talking just my case but that of many and I think I already found the answer to many questions that made me a book called Impersonal Life (for people who are subscribed to my group you can find it there in the section FILE).
know it's long but if they come to my blog click on LISTEN and do not necessarily have to read but there is a voice that reads them.
Million thanks to all who were in my way and for the wonderful messages that I send strength and all the nice things I say in them. THANKS to all


519. You're still subject to the idea, prescribed in a number of lessons, which is that I will provide a "Master" or Divine Preceptor every aspiring to union with Me, hear these words of mine:

520. It is true that I have let you in the past, examining all sorts of mystical and occult teachings, books, stimulating your secret desire to acquire the necessary powers to achieve union extolled in such teachings, to the degree of awakening in you some slight consciousness possession of such powers.

521. Even more: "I have allowed to have the belief that by practicing certain exercises, breathing in certain ways or saying certain" mantras ", could draw to you a" Master "of the invisible to be your tutor and help you prepare for certain initiations that will allow admission to a high degree in this or that secret Order of the inner planes of existence, which would be put at your disposal a lot of My Divine Wisdom.

522. Not only have I allowed this, but if you can understand, it was I who led you to those books, who inspired you so desire and who made the aforementioned belief to take root in your mind, but knows not for the purposes thou hast imagined.

523. Yes, I've taken you through all these lessons and you have inspired such beliefs and secret desires, trying to tell your human mind what are the forces that I use to give expression to My Divine Idea.

524. I, on purpose, I graphically portrayed these Forces as heavenly Hierarchies, and yet, that your human mind could understand even better, you've represented in the form of angels or divine beings, ie, agents or executors Impersonal My Will, occupied only in the task of giving expression to my idea which was at first.

525. But nevertheless, you have not understood.

526. Your human intellect, which features the ability to find and contact one of these Beings, as alleged in some of the aforementioned teachings, of course proceeded to customize it and began to desire vehemently Their appearance in your life, imagining that they were interested in human your affairs, and to live according to certain rules laid down in certain lessons, you could make them favorable to you, so that they will help you win Heaven (Nirvana), or immortality.

527. But know that I, on purpose, I have let you recreate in such delusions, leaving you aspire, beg and seriously strive to obey all instructions you were given, yes, I have encouraged even further, some Sometimes, I gave glimpses of ideal beings, presented in visions and dreams that were the product of the same mental state whose loved I allowed you to believe they were the "masters" to expected.

528. I can still be developed in you certain powers that allow you to feel the presence of personalities who have passed on the spiritual side of life, which having been attracted by your desires before you try to play the role of a Director or Contacts.

529. But now for you and the time has come to know that these people are masters not, and that real divine beings do not consider themselves as masters, and that I and only I, your own True Self, AM for you, for now, the only Master, while not also be able to recognize your brother.

530. That any being, either human or spiritual, which introduce you to your conscience and intended to be for you a teacher, or just let you call him Master, is nothing more nor less than a personality, like yours, and therefore not is Divine, as your human mind understands this term despite the many beautiful "truths" that he can preach and "wonderful" things to do.

531. Just in the degree to which your human mind seeks or worships the idea a Master in any other being, no matter how exalted or holy it may seem, in the same proportion will be fed with these ideas, until, perhaps, I indeed allow you're meeting or communicating with such a "Master."

532. But if such a "privilege" is you know it will be granted only to hasten your awakening through the resulting disappointment will cum when you realize that the "Maestro" is not, of course, but a personality that, while more advanced than you in the awakening, but it is still a personality but not the Divine One your soul, from the most intimate desires that you know.

533. Because he knows that I fed you with every idea that might serve to teach you what is the reality that lies behind the appearance, and while I lead you to a disappointment and even apparent loss of faith with respect to all human teachings, as well as all human and even divine perfection, this is only to enable you to distinguish more clearly the substance of the shadows, preparing, and, for that higher ideal that I hope to be clearly presented to you.

534. You can elevate your human personality only as far as the ideal human your mind can conceive. Through desire, I make My will is manifested in you, and I took through out many wonderful works.

535. If you doubt this, you do not need to understand clearly, but use the Key:

536. think a Master is a Master create .

537. This idea of \u200b\u200ba Master, by virtue of your thought, it becomes what you want or imagine that is a master.

538. In other words, through your thoughts give way on this idea, the characteristics that you can imagine has a Master. Your human mind, through desire, by aspiration or by worship, necessarily create these qualities in someone you imagery that is not and can be more than a personality, for the reason that you can not even conceive of a being Impersonal.

539. Therefore, according to the intensity of your desire, your thought, this idea must, sooner or later, bequeathing to a current event, either by attracting to you for that personality in the flesh, or to one made and entity in the realm of dreams and visions.

540. Your human mind as it is constituted, believes in certain cases, that requires a master to whom they can turn for help and advice to mitigate their sufferings and solve human problems, believing such problems in life can be arranged in this way. And if I will get in touch with one of those who think teachers, which frustrates your hopes or misleads you, and eventually forces you to go to me, your own Self, full of despair, disappointed and humiliated, is that only up then perhaps be ready and willing to abide Me alone internally, to hear my voice , which long has been talking about you, but to which your proud and egoistic mind has not deigned to hear.

541. To you who still have not had this experience, you still have not found the Master of your aspirations, or what either as a human spiritual (or mental), yes, you, in whom My words have not yet managed to produce a new awakening, in response to its truth, to tell you that I have you booked insurance experiences that will lead eventually to Me, and then you have to know that I am the Master, the Inspiring Idea incurred every thought and is in himself, and in every aspiration towards the Master, whether inspired idea that enter your mind emerging from inside or coming from the external.

542. It has been said that "When the disciple is ready, and Master appears." And this is true sense, but not as you have interpreted.

543. Your secret desire towards a Master will bring it, but only when I know that you have already prepared for that event happens. Although he knows also that the appearance of such a Master will only be a Master appearance. For when the true Master or Preceptor appears, may never recognize it because it can be hidden in the friend who cares about you, your business associate, your neighbor and even your own wife, son or husband.

544. More you that you have already risen above the desire, you're no longer a Teacher or Preceptor more, even to me, but only live in the faith of my eternal presence and promise, for you I will reserve a pleasant discovery, a communion that occur in your soul such joy and bliss, your human mind can not conceive.

545. However, this is a mystery to you, and while I can not understand, you are justified in holding that the aforesaid disagrees with certain statements made here previously, and which is also in contradiction with the teachings contained in my Other Disclosures.

546. But do not worry because this mystery will be revealed, if he truly wants to know my purpose.

547. Meanwhile, why should you give your search satisfied with anything but the highest?

548. Why look necessarily limited manifestation of My Perfection , which is what can only offer the instructor, guide, teacher and even an angel, either human or merely as spiritual, as you can go directly to me, God in your inner, the Omniscient Almighty, the Omnipresent, the Inspiring Idea that is the source of All demonstrations and is present in the depths of them?

549. If I Am (Or I) in you, as I am (or I) in any of those who are looking for, and that all the wisdom, all power and all the love that they have originated only from me, why do not you go Me, of course, and let I also prepare, so that makes it possible that I express My All for You?

550. You are a human personality, however, you are Divine, and therefore perfect.

551. The first of these assertions the second you think you do not believe.

552. However, both are true, that in is the mystery.

553. You are just what you think be.

554. One thing or another, what one is you? Or are both?

555. You are one with me . I AM (or am) in You, in your human personality, in your body, mind and intellect. I AM (or am) in every cell of your body, in every attribute of your mind, every power of your intellect. I AM the Soul, the active ingredient in each one of them. You are a cell of my body, You are an attribute of My Mind, You're a faculty of my intellect. You are part of me, and yet you are I, I, myself, for we are One, always have been.

556. And this idea of \u200b\u200ba teacher who brought to the attention of your mind was just to lead you towards the idea of \u200b\u200bme or prepare for it, you Impersonal Being, an Angel of Light, a radiation of My Being, your own Divine Lord and Master your internal .

557. Yes, I, your Divine, I am your Soul Master impelled to seek thee, and when you find me and know that I am your Self, then, in your human consciousness, you will become pleasantly My disciple, lovingly be willing to obey and you only have interest in serving with great faith, both in your own Internal internally and your brothers. And then you will understand why it was said that only "One is your Master, and this is the Christ."

558. Because, I being the Christ dwell in all men, am the one and only become of them. And, through all men, I am always calling and trying to get to impress your human consciousness. And I am continually teaching you, not only through every human being, but through every human being, but through every necessary conduit required at the right time, which is why I have many means of reaching your consciousness and used to take you to the clear My understanding of purpose or design.

559. I speak with many voices: the voice of the Terror, with Love, jealousy, kindness, ambition, drunkenness, pleasure, jealousy, sensuality, the Suffering of Shame yes, with the voice of all passions, desires and human emotions. I speak with the voice of nature, with the voice of experience, even with the voice of human knowledge.

560. Yes, they are all I use my voice to express impersonally unusual fact that I am (or am) at all and that I am the Being of all (nothing is nor can there not having his being in Me), and that what the voice says in a thousand forms of expression that you are also part of that whole and that I am (or am) in you, waiting for me recognize, so you can consciously cooperate with me on earth to express My Idea of \u200b\u200bImpersonal Perfection, as she expressed in the Heavens.

561. Only when this recognition comes up you can see and know who the real master, then and only then can you clearly understand why I, your own Self Impersonal, AM that I can be for your human personality, the only possible Maestro.

562. Also until then understand why, with only personal conscience or separately, you can never recognize nor distinguish a true master with whom he could find in a physical body, because that will only be possible when you are able to enter your consciousness Christ, My consciousness in your inner and inwardly from Him (of the Master with whom you are), because otherwise this will not appear before you master more than a good friend or a helpful tutor.

563. Only until you have reached this awareness will be worthy and able to meet and connect with your peers in the Great Brotherhood of the Spirit Yes, Those who have already mastered the "I" inferior and live only to help his younger brothers are in turn the Divine One in its internal.

564. If someone came to you in your life that you thought Divine and allow you to call him Master, or just that her attitude towards you do you think it is, but rest assured that this is not completely impersonal. That may be one of many teachers in the human, but not the Divine One whom your soul yearns to serve.

565. But perhaps you felt pleased to have such a being as a teacher, although not completely impersonal. If so, you know that from that moment I will you go realizing their personal imperfections , based on a constant comparison with Perfection My Impersonal that will arise before you, so that in that way, you, finally, turning or turn to me in complete abandonment of you, acknowledged to me and my impersonal as the only model or Ideal, as the only cause that inspired and encouraged you in your long external search for My Perfection, which can only be found in the inner, hidden in the depths of your own Soul .


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