free virtual course for NGOs and other programs that work with children and adolescents in Latin America
For use safe and responsible information technology and communication (ICT) Construction
strategies that promote the rights of children and adolescents
from May 6 to May 14, 2010
: NGOs linked to Children and Youth, program managers, directors , area coordinators and program assistants, facilitators, workshop, staff of state agencies related to Children, Education, Youth, personnel from international organizations linked to Childhood and Development, developers of Social Responsibility programs.
OPENING DATE: May 13, 2010, 19:00 hs.
DURATION: From May 13 to June 24, 2010
The course is free.
requires advance registration.
limited vacancies in order of registration. Registration
consultations by phone: 054 11 4786 9128 or
Extended Info
This training proposal seeks to contribute to social organizations, areas of government and other issues related to children and youth acquire knowledge and enhance their work on projects related to the right of children and adolescents to a safe and responsible use of information technologies and communication technologies (ICTs).
organizations involved in protecting and promoting children's rights are everyday references on the phenomena of violence to which children and adolescents are exposed through the web and other technologies and how their rights are violated: the invasion of privacy, harassment by adults (grooming), peer harassment (cyberbullying), employment of children in pornography, child sexual exploitation (ESI) and all forms of sexual violence for which the Internet has become a new stage in which the aberrant production of materials linked to ESI and their distribution is a growing phenomenon.
believe that the way to work the concept of Responsible Use of ICT from the organizations is to install the same capacity to promote the construction of strategies de trabajo que ayuden a los niños, las niñas y los adolescentes a elaborar criterios para la navegación y la interacción en línea, desde un marco de respeto y de cuidado de la propia integridad psicofísica y la de los demás.
El Programa Internet Segura, por un uso responsable de las TIC, que lleva adelante con apoyo de SCS y ECPAT desde 2006, ha elaborado diferentes acciones a lo largo de este tiempo tendientes a prevenir estos problemas y a fortalecer las capacidades que niños, niñas y jóvenes, sus maestros y referentes familiares y sociales necesitan para enfrentar estos flagelos, sin dejar de aprovechar los beneficios que implica el ingreso de las TIC en la sociedad.
Se tendrán account of regional initiatives, especially those belonging to organizations that make up the network for the right of children and adolescents to a safe and responsible use of information technologies and communication.
Thus, we define the proposal online training that will enable organizations and other participants understand the scope of the issue and encourage them to engage in projects aimed at the Prevention of Sexual Violence against children and adolescents through ICT. OBJECTIVES
• Provide means of understanding the social organizations and people in charge of actions for children and adolescents at the state level about the implications of responsible use of ICTs and violence in cyberspace from a rights perspective.
• Reflect on the impact of different social referents in the formation of responsible users of ICT.
• Promote capacity for analysis and to create strategies for preventing violence in the interactions over the Internet, cell phones and other devices.
• Encourage building working strategies for the prevention and responsible use of ICT.
• Encourage networking and collaboration among organizations to address this issue.
• Week Preview: Knowing the virtual work environment
Recognition of virtual work environment. Presentation of the students on campus. Recognition of the working group. Solving technical problems related to the use of the platform. Understanding the dynamics of the course.
• Week 1: What do children, and adolescents when using ICT? Considerations
different Web 2.0 applications used by children and adolescents. Characteristics of environments. Special use and links. The concept of "prosumer." Differences in employment ICT makes adults. Generation gap.
• Week 2: Perceptions and risks
Situations of risk and vulnerability in cyberspace. Risk perception of all stakeholders in relation to ICT use. Use patterns that encourage risk. Contexts (home, school, cyber). Harassment and sexual exploitation through ICTs. Trends among children and young people (cyber-bullying or cyberbullying) exposure exacerbated; purposes of anonymity, digital communities. New paradigms: the intimate, private, public.
• Week 3: By a responsible use of ICT
Considerations for responsible use of ICT. Role of different actors: parents and families, teachers and schools, social organizations, the state as guarantor of the protection of children rights. What is the adult-and how to avoid? Participation of children and adolescents in developing ICT-related projects.
• Week 4: Prevention Strategies
Inclusion of children and adolescents in developing their own prevention strategies. Prevention strategies in education and comuntario. Experiences in Latin America and the world. Building strategies to develop projects from organizations.
• Week 5: Publication
gallery proposals and return of the students final works.
The course will take place in an online environment for six weeks. This means that we will use a training platform to present the content, activities, materials and tasks.
The focus of the course is given by the contents and related resources, and support the interaction between the tutor and participants. The tutor will work instances in which the students can recognize, sort out the difficulties that may be present and ensure that materials to which access can be used without problems.
virtual instances will work through the platform for interaction tutor / participant and all participants, communication for collaborative work, case analysis and discussion, presentation and monitoring of activities.
Participation in the course and communication with their tutor group is basically asynchronous. This implies that there is no specific hours provided for access to online learning environment. However, to achieve the purposes and the decision of tasks in a collaborative way, it has established a weekly working schedule. So, every Monday will be performed opening of new content and working instructions, and the closure of each of the tasks that the students performed the previous week.
Obviously, for this strategy is feasible and yields results, it is essential that participants have adequate connectivity and access to Internet services each week to advance the process.
is proposed for training a constructivist philosophy, which lets you build the concepts and learning activities among all participants. It will use real background tasks that allow transfer and apply the concepts and situations that have arisen in different organizations around the safe use of Internet, the new learning to achieve. Teaching Strategies
• Guided Navigation and exchange
• Participation in Discussions
• Analysis of problems and scenarios
• Collaborative Production conclusions / action lines
• Text analysis and quality audiovisual resources on the subject. • Design project
• Access to a computer with broadband connectivity systematic
• Access to e-mail account itself as a means of communication with tutors.
• Reading and analysis of the materials offered and bibliographies.
• Making proposals
weekly activities • Participation in discussion forums.
• Publication of the final.
CERTIFICATION will be issued certificates of approval granted by the course organizers to those trainees who: • Have held
e-mail communication with your tutor.
• Have participated in the discussion forum that develops during the course (at least one intervention per week)
• Have approved the final work.
Reports and inquiries Email:
Phone: (54 11) 4786-9128
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