Monday, March 7, 2011

Stand Post Bottom Covers

Stop smoking Thinking the computer

When a person decides to quit and go to the doctor for help, often missing a follow-up home, especially when anxiety about the lack of nicotine in the body leads to light a cigarette. For this situation has the born days Hesoft Group, a services company specializing in the design and development of telemedicine solutions tailored to the health sector. This idea was conceived, according to its creator, Joseph Square, where "the head of the Tobacco Unit of Hospital Santa medical team Maria de Lleida we proposed the implementation of a computer program that would meet the technological needs of the tobacco unit of the Hospital of Santa Maria and two Primary Care Centres Lleida. "

This idea has matured and expanded to 'become an ambitious, competitive and realistic, which aims to develop and market the CP-F software, input, statewide. During this time, the business project has received support from Springboard Technology, University of Lleida, which is one of the first spin-off ", explains Square. Comfort

Thus, the program as young entrepreneur, "should help health workers in smoking cessation treatment of snuff through the detoxification of nicotine, smoking change and that this process was experienced by the patient as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Under this objective, the functions with which they gave the software were charts the evolution of patients, automatic control risk, aid medical personnel in the issuance of diagnosis and the generation of warnings and suggestions for treatment, monitoring of patients, drugs and diets, among others. " So Hesoft Group proposes to smokers' a alternative way of keeping in constant contact with the medical staff by text message and internet phone messages, resulting in improved monitoring and treatment. CP-F software allows the patient to sit together, carefully protected and guided throughout treatment cessation of snuff, "says Square.

also continues, thanks to the "telematic communication channel between patient and health personnel to provide CP-F is what sets us apart from existing products, which offer only limited to computerized patient management and clinical history '. Acceptance so far has been very good by the user because, "since its inception less than six months and 200 patients are registered. In addition, over 90 percent of them said that the failure to receive personalized sms continuous and often helps in the detoxification of snuff. And only seven percent have dropped out of treatment, "says Square.

Having regard to the initial success, its members are willing to go further, says Square, "today is developing a software control of hypertensive patients is being tested in two hospitals. Furthermore, it is studying the development of new programs for various medical and gynecology, a field that would be interesting to develop an application for specialist help in monitoring and advice during pregnancy, and another to treat alcoholism. "


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